• Post category:StudyBullet-7
  • Reading time:5 mins read


What you will learn

See how filmmakers differentiate Artificial light and natural light.

We explore the main light sources by examining how their characteristics influence production.

Once you know how colour temperature is derived you will be making informed lighting choices.

Once you know how colour temperature works, you will be able to apply this knowledge by using correction filters in your productions.

You will be able to properly expose a scene when applying the relationship between aperture, shutter and ISO

You will be able to differentiate between ISO and Gain when applied to film, video and photographic cameras.

You will be able to apply simple lighting techniques that will improve your lighting.

Finally, you will see how all you have learned is applied in a simple scene.


Learn the basics of lighting technology and application. Gain the edge with the SA Film Academy’s Rob Gray by enrolling now. Be informed and don’t risk losing opportunities to explore the world of lighting while giving your films a professional touch. Here you will discover the essential properties of light sources, effect of exposure, colour balancing, filters and lighting applications. See how three point lighting is done with a special reference to Rembrandt lighting and by examining the positions and effect the light has on a subject. Different light sources present unique properties, which include colour temperature, and propagation characteristics. You will learn the difference between traditional lights and the modern day LED, which is taking over as a film and television light source.

In the course exposure is covered in depth where we look at the exposure triangle and how it explains the interdependentΒ  nature of aperture, shutter speed and ISO.

The course is a mixture of technology and practical application, which is designed to give the newbie video and filmmakers a solid grounding, which will help you improve your video and film lighting.

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First year college film students, teachers and facilitators will also benefit from this course with its structured set of lighting fundamentals.

You can reinforce your understanding of lighting principles with carefully worked out multiple choice quizzes that cover the main sections of this course.





Lighting fundamentals

Light Characteristics
Daylight as a source
Artificial Light
Colour Temerature Derived
Colour Temperature Applied
Take this quiz to test your understanding so far of lighting characteristics


Contrast and Exposure
Exposure and Colour Balance

Lighting application

Three Point Lighting
Basic Filters
Lighting Applications and Filters

