• Post category:StudyBullet-3
  • Reading time:5 mins read

Learn to create Architectural Visualization Cinematics in Unreal Engine

What you will learn

What is the Sequencer?

Adding a cinematic camera to a level

Using a crane camera

Creating a level sequence

Adding a master sequence

Keyboard shortcuts for the Sequencer

Playing a sequence via Blueprints


  • Intermediate

Why are cinematics important to a visualization piece? Well, there are potentially lots of reasons as to why this could be the case but a couple of the more relevant ones to a client could include the fact that one, it can help show off specific areas of the project that they may miss when walking around inside the realtime presentation and that two, it could also potentially be the case that, well the client can’t view or show the project in realtime, and so wants to see a movie of the project in order to see how things are looking. No matter the reason for creating it though, taking the time, as we will in this course, to learn how to use the wealth of cinematic creation tools that can be found in Unreal will be fundamental to our being able to do a really good job of it. Becoming completely familiar with the sequencer UI will also mean that we can create cinematics both quickly and efficiently as we animate and then edit camera shots together. By the end of this course then, we should have acquired a decent understanding for ourselves regarding how to produce cinematics for visualizations inside the Unreal Engine.

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Why cinematics are important
Taking a look at the visualization space
Skills needed to complete this course
Understanding the Sequencer and Cameras
What is the Sequencer?
Deciding on a workflow
Camera types in Unreal
Adding a cinematic camera to a level
Building a camera track
Using a crane camera
Creating a Cinematic
Creating a level sequence
Spawned vs. possessable cameras
Using the Sequencer UI
Animating a cinematic move
Adding a cut track to a sequence
Adding a master sequence
Enhancing Your Edit
Sequencer cheat sheet
Affecting actors per camera shot
Adding fades and cuts
Final Delivery
Playing a sequence via Blueprints
Rendering out your final cinematic
Next Steps