• Post category:StudyBullet-7
  • Reading time:10 mins read

Purpose driven Goal Setting: From Dreaming to Doing

What you will learn

Identify purpose of life and start working towards upgradation rather then only goal achievement, this gives you power to propel forwards passionately.

NLP (Neuro-Linguistic Programming) mediated Subconscious Programming for Goal Setting & achievement.

Purpose driven Goal setting that makes your real Unstoppable.

Create a Mindset for Goal Achievement – From Dream to Action

Visualisation and Trance based Intuitive Goal Setting – hence Purpose driven

Clearing your Permission, aligning beliefs, setting values and aligning neurological levels for goal achievement

Identify the Objections and nullify them so you can be unstoppable towards the life you want.


Do you ever dream of your life to be different then what you are living now?

Do you feel victimized and out of control as far as your future is concerned?

Do you feel that the ‘Goal setting’ and ‘ life changing’ stuff is for big achievers, you are not in that cadre?

If you have the above three opinions I would like to tell you, “Every king was once a crying baby, Every expert was once a novice”.

“When you see the rich and successful, Remember, somebody in their family has done the work, Deep Work to change the fortune of the family, to create that Legacy!”

Now I want to ask you, Where you want to be? On this side, just wishing to have this fortune someday? or on the other side, YOU being the person who will CHANGE the destiny of your family?

And, on a serious note, It’s just a decision away…

Either you decide to spend your next few months on working up on yourselves and DO WHAT NEEDS TO BE DONE!


You keep on grudging, dreaming, wishing, thinking wishfully BUT cursing yourselves and your destiny for not being there.

You are the Creator of your Destiny

If it’s gonna be, it’s gonna be YOU. I want you to decide and confirm yourselves, where you want to belong to, because “You will be where you belong to…!!”

If you seriously want the Change in life, Raise your standards, be the change-maker then you are at the correct place reading this and thinking weather to enroll for this course or not, and I am here to tell you, this will be the last Goal setting Course you will enroll for!!!

You are destined to be Successful, that’s why you are here:

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Note➛ Make sure your 𝐔𝐝𝐞𝐦𝐲 cart has only this course you're going to enroll it now, Remove all other courses from the 𝐔𝐝𝐞𝐦𝐲 cart before Enrolling!

It cannot be a co-incidence that you are here on this course page and reading this description… The Universe is knocking your doors… it’s calling you to claim your life… you have been directed here with a Purpose, a Dream in your eyes, a Burning Desire to achieve something that you believe you deserve for yourselves… An answer to all the miseries, inequalities, injustices, sufferings that you have faced so far… It’s time to prove you self worth and Make a Decision… Whether you wish to continue grudging, nagging, being mediocre


You decide to be What you Want to be for Yourself, Your Family and Your coming generations?

Take your decision now!!!

How is this course different then the rest?

In a nutshell, I am getting a combination of proven methodologies in this course to serve you with the most assured way that will ascertain your brain towards goal achievement. Remove self doubt. Clear Purpose, Have clear goals and accurate step-by-step guide to how you can start working towards achievement of your goals for life.

A combination of techniques based on Neuroplasticity principles so it can change your brain, subconscious from the core towards not only finding a purpose, setting goals but also the wins that will step by step unfold you to your destiny. Inclusive of Neuro-Linguistic Programming, The Raikov Effect, The talent Code, The Tony Robbins methodology of questioning, The Ram Verma Visualization methodology, The Time quadrant from Stephen Covey, and much more… to give you the best output by the end of the course.

“Change is inevitable… Abrupt Change is Painful… But Selective Change is Rewarding… Let’s Change the way you Change, for better”

What gives me the authority to guide you through this: About your instructor…

Dr. Ashish Nagar PT, has been a NLP Therapist since last 3 years now and a certified NLP coach since last 2 years. He is been consistently working with Wellness NLP since last 3 years and Exclusively with Coaches since last one year. After almost training, mentoring, supervising, guiding, helping number of coaches, he has taken a decision to provide this massive course for the masses.

These are not experimental techniques, i am giving you the gist of all that has helped my coaches achieve their life goals, getting a clear goal chart and the mindset to achieve these goals positively and consistently.

Do not Binge Watch this course! Work it up!

How will it work?

The course has sections arranged systematically to guide you through phases of conditioning. Mental conditioning, Time Prioritization, Goal setting, Chinking down, Removing objections, Belief Change, Value Alignment, Neurological levels of alignment and thereby Planting the Goal Subconsciously in your Brain so that by the end of the course you are no more wishful, but determined with a Mindset that will automatically push you towards your Goals.



Why one more Goal Setting Course?

The Myths about Goal Setting
The Missing Piece in Goal Setting

MINDSET: The First steps to Purposeful Goal Setting

Introduction to Goal Setting
Becoming aware about Your Present Status
Defining your States Subconsciously
Define what you want clearly, Now!!
Ecology: Internal & External Objections
Finding your Ecology
Exploring your Ecology
The “As if” rule for Success
The “Y” Exercise – Pain or Pleasure
The Characteristics of Goal
Summary to Section 2

Time-set: The second step to Purposeful Goal Setting

Let’s Audit your Time
The Time Quadrant
Getting more time for yourselves
Time Prioritization

Subconscious Goal Setting

Introduction SC Goal Setting
Life Audit
Re-Awaken the Dreamer in you!
Goal List
Give your Goals a Timeline
Goal Setting Conclusion – Scheduling Actions

Inner Alignment for Goal Achievement

Neurological alignment: Why & How
Aligning your Environment for Goal Achievement
Aligning your Actions for Goal Achievement
Aligning your Capacities for Goal Achievement
Aligning your Beliefs for Goal Achievement
Aligning your Values for Goal Achievement
Aligning your Identity for Goal Achievement
Aligning your Purpose for Goal Achievement
Summary to Inner Alignment

Manifesting Goals

Let’s Connect the Dots!
Clarity of Vision
Chunking Down!!
Daily Journal
Weekly Record

What Stops You?

What Stops You?
Taking the Decision: What Stops You?
Taking Initiation: What Stops You?
Moving Ahead: What stops you?
Breakthrough Point: What Stops You?
How to Overcome What Stops You!

Take it to Subconscious!!

Role of Subconscious in Goal Achievement
Awakening – Awareness of the Present Moment
Dealing with Past!!
Ascertain the Future
References: The fabric of life
Get the Ultimate Permission

Welcome to the beginning!

Begin with the End in Mind!