• Post category:StudyBullet-5
  • Reading time:15 mins read

Python Time Series Analysis with 10+ Forecasting Models including ARIMA, SARIMA, Regression & Time Series Data Analysis

What you will learn

What is Time Series Data, it’s applications and components.

Fetching time series data using different methods.

Handling missing values and outliers in a time series data.

Decomposing and Splitting time series data.

Different smoothing techniques such as Simple Moving Averages, Simple Exponential, Holt and Holt-winter Exponential.

Checking Stationarity of the time series data and Converting Non-stationary to Stationary.

Auto-regressive models such as Simple AR model and Moving Average Model.

Advanced Auto-Regressive Models such as ARMA, ARIMA, SARIMA.

Evaluation Metrics used for time series data.

Rules for Choosing the Right Model for time series data.


The Ultimate Course on Time Series Analysis in Python brings you expertise in Forecasting Models, Regression, ARIMA, SARIMA and Time Series Data Analysis with Python

Do you want to know how meteorologists forecast weather?

Do you want to know how retailers reduce excess inventory and increase profit margin?

Predict the future using Time Series Forecasting!

Time series forecasting is all about looking into the future.

Time Series is an important field in statistical programming. It allows you to analyze:-

1. Trends

2. Seasonality

3. Irregularity

Time Series Analysis has tons of applications such as stock market analysis, pattern recognition, earthquake prediction, census analysis and many more.

Due to the advanced modern technologies, the data is growing exponentially and this data can be used to modelled for the future which can really make a big difference.

You are at the right place!

Welcome to this online resource to learn Time Series Analysis using Python.

This course will really help you to boost your career.

This course begins with the basic level and goes up to the most advanced techniques step by step. Even if you do not know anything about time series, this course will make complete sense to you.

In this course you will learn about the following:-

1. What is time series data, its applications and components.

2. Fetching time series data using different methods.

3. Handling missing values and outliers in time series data.

4. Decomposing and splitting time series data.

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5. Different smoothing techniques such as simple moving averages, simple exponential, holt, and holt-winter exponential.

6. Checking stationarity of the time series data and converting non-stationary to stationary.

7. Auto-regressive models such as simple AR model and moving average model.

8. Advanced auto-regressive models such as ARMA, ARIMA, SARIMA.

9. ARIMAX and SARIMAX model.

10. Evaluation metrics used for time series data.

11. Rules for choosing the right model for time series data.


All the mentioned topics will be covered theoretically as well as implemented in code.

You will compare all the models and will see how to read the results.

We will work with real data and you will have access to all the resources used in this course.


This course is for everyone who wants to master time series and become proficient in working with real-life time-based data.

For taking up this course you need to have prior knowledge of Python programming.

But wait!

Here is the surprise!!

If you are not aware of the python programming language then also don’t worry.

We have a crash course in python for you. You can take up python’s crash course and then proceed with the time series analysis.



Introduction to Time Series

What is a Time Series Data
Types of Forecasting
Regression Vs Time Series
Applications of Time Series
Components of Time Series
Quiz on Introduction to Time Series Analysis
Quiz Solution on Introduction to Time Series Analysis

Time Series Analysis

Getting Time Series data
Handling Missing Values in your Time Series Data
Handling Outlier Values
Time Series Decomposition
Splitting Time Series Data
Quiz on Time Series Data Analysis
Quiz Solution on Time Series Data Analysis

Smoothing Techniques

Basic Forecasting Techniques
Metrics for Time series Forecasting
Simple Moving Averages
Simple Exponential Smoothing
Holt and Holt Winter Exponential Smoothing
Quiz on Smoothing Techniques
Quiz Solution on Smoothing Techniques

AR Models

Introduction to Auto Regressive Models
Checking for Stationarity Part 1
Checking for Stationarity using Statistical Methods Part 2
Checking for Stationary Implementation
Converting Non-Stationary Series into Stationary
Converting Non-Stationary Series into Stationary Implementation
Auto Correlation and Partial Correlation
Auto Correlation and Partial Correlation Implementation
The Simple Auto Regressive Model
The Simple Auto Regressive Model Implementation
Moving Average Model
Moving Average Model Implementation
Quiz on AR Models
Quiz Solution on AR Models

Advanced AR Models

Understanding ARMA Model
Implementing ARMA Model
Understanding ARIMA Model
Implementing ARIMA Model
Understanding SARIMA Model
Implementing SARIMA Model
Quiz on Advanced AR Models
Quiz Solution on Advanced AR Models


Understanding ARIMAX Model
Implementing ARIMAX Model
Understanding SARIMAX Model
Implementing SARIMAX Model
Quiz on ARIMAX and SARIMAX Models
Quiz Solution on ARIMAX and SARIMAX Models

Choosing the Right Model

How to Choose the Right Model in Time Series Analysis
Choosing the Right for Model Smaller Datasets
Choosing the Right Model for Larger Datasets
Best Practices while Choosing a Time series Model
Quiz on Choosing the Right Model
Quiz Solution on Choosing the Right Model

Why do we Evaluate Performance

Why do we Evaluate Performance
Mean Forecast Error
Mean Absolute Error
Mean Absolute Percentage Error
Root Mean Squared Error
Quiz on Why do we Evaluate Performance
Quiz Solution on Why do we Evaluate Performance

Python Crash Course – Python Fundamentals

Why should you learn Python?
Installing Python and Jupyter Notebook
Naming Convention for variables
Built in Data Types and Type Casting
Scope of Variables
Quiz on Variables and Data Types
Quiz Solution
Arithmetic and Assignment Operators
Comparison, Logical, and Bitwise Operators
Identity and Membership Operators
Quiz on Operators
Quiz Solution
String Formatting
String Methods
User Input
Quiz on Strings
Quiz Solution
If, elif, and else
For and While
Break and Continue
Quiz on Loops and Conditionals
Quiz Solution

Mastering Python Data Structures

Differences between Lists and Tuples
Operations on Lists
Operations on Tuples
Quiz on Lists and Tuples
Quiz Solution
Introduction to Dictionaries
Operations on Dictionaries
Nested Dictionaries
Introduction to Sets
Set Operations
Quiz on Sets and Dictionaries
Quiz Solution
Introduction to Stacks and Queues
Implementing Stacks and Queues using Lists
Implementing Stacks andd Queues using Deque
Quiz on Stacks and Queues
Quiz Solution
Time Complexity
Linear Search
Binary Search
Bubble Sort
Insertion and Selection Sort
Merge Sort
Quiz on Searching, Sorting, and Time Complexity
Quiz Solution

Python Functions Deepdive

Introduction to Functions
Default Parameters in Functions
Positional Arguments
Keyword Arguments
Python Modules
Quiz on Introduction to Functions
Quiz Solution
Lambda Functions
Filter, Map, and Zip Functions
List, set, and Dictionary Comprehensions
Quiz on Anonymous Functions
Quiz Solution
Introduction to Aggregate Functions
Introduction to Analytical Functions
Quiz on In Built Functions
Quiz Solution
Solving the Factorial Problem using Recursion
Solving the Fibonacci Problem using Recursion
Quiz on Recursions
Quiz Solution
Introduction to Classes and Objects
Quiz on Classes and Objects
Quiz Solution

Python for Data Science

Introduction to datetime
The date and time class
The datetime class
The timedelta class
Quiz on Dates and Times
Quiz Solution
Meta Characters for Regular Expressions
Built-in Functions for Regular Expressions
Special Characters for Regular Expressions
Sets for Regular Expressions
Quiz on Regular Expressions
Quiz Solution
Array Creation using Numpy
Mathematical Operations using Numpy
Built-in Functions in Numpy
Quiz on Introduction to Numpy
Quiz Solution
Reading Datasets using Pandas
Plotting Data in Pandas
Indexing, Selecting, and Filtering Data using Pandas
Merging and Concatenating DataFrames
Lambda, Map, and Apply Functions
Quiz on Introduction to Pandas
Quiz Solution