• Post category:StudyBullet-2
  • Reading time:15 mins read

The Complete Time Management Workshop Including All Necessary Techniques and Philosophies but also a Planner Pack

What you will learn

You will learn the dosage principle, pareto principle, parkinson’s law, urgent-important matrix, time boxing, pomodore technique, 1-3-5 rule & MIT method

How can SWOT and SOAR analysis be utilized for personal concerns in the same way as the world’s most skilled strategists do

Very special “9 path to finding inner value to modify time management techniques” part only specific for this course that will change your life forever.

Stop procrastinating and complete your everyday duties with covered time management methods.

Easily learn and put time-management and productivity ideas, tactics, and hacks into practice.

Explore how to hold yourself motivated and keep track of what you’re not performing.

Characterize your life goals immediately without hassle



-First; learn how to analyze yourself with personal SWOT analysis in order to find both favorable and unfavorable factors created by your cognitive fallacies.

-Learn to make more money, get promoted faster or get better grades with identifying the right 20% percent of tasks that brings 80% of all results with Pareto Analysis.

-Learn how to discipline your task management priorities with Eisenhower matrix and plan ahead with no stress.

-Learn how to minimise the impact of internal & external disruptions on your concentration and workflow with the Pomodore Technique.

-Learn how to set a time limit to complete any task, so as not to fill the time available for its completion with Parkinson’s Law

-Learn how to divide your day into blocks of time to fulfill a specific or group of tasks easily with time blocking method.


Life is short and we all have 24 hours a day as humans. Also time does not care about your degree of success, intelligence, richness, talent or fame; It treats equally to everyone. That’s why time is the most valuable asset in the world and YOU have to learn how to protect your most valuable asset.

Time management is about using the right techniques blended with effective personal habits. İf you learn the techniques, but can not control your habits; no one else can be responsible for your time wasting behaviours. Thats why time management starts from learning what cognitive fallacies are.

In this lecture we will be talking about basic to advanced time management techniques, real life tips distilled from experience and productivity strategies guarantee that you get things done with no stress. And after that you will never say one of the following:

· I am always busy,

· I don’t have time,

· I am not happy with my life under this workload,

· I don’t feel I have achieved anything for a long time,

· I cannot control my life,

· Wish I had more than 24 hours to get things done,

· Lost my contact with my social life…

When you finish this course, you will learn:

· To write down your personal action plan with battle tested workshop tools

· To set new extraordinary goals and have energy to finish all of them 4X times faster

· Fantastic skills to conquer procrastination and be easy for creating to-do lists

· To boost your productivity by just saying “No!”

· To concentrate on any task without the hassle

· Time management habits that carry out top level productivity levers

· In short: Accomplish right thing at the right moment: Everyday!

Please note; as time management becomes the most important soft skill in the 4th industrial evolution era; this course is also for anyone who needs to be ready for the near future. Without knowing time management techniques; generations “X” & “Y” and “Z” will have a hard time in adapting industry 4.0 capabilities.

So as to solve this new problem; the course also includes an Udemy time management course first: a special template pack added to the last section of the course. This part contains ready made forms to help you on your daily, monthly and even yearly to do lists on different topics!. This part would easily be used by teachers, coaches and company training officers as a part of their training! In fact; this part will save your time every day, even years after you finish this course. Ths pack includes 15  ready made templates for general purpose. Here’s the list:

1. Daily Planner

2. Daily Schedule

3. Daily Goals

4. Daily To-Do List

5. Weekly Planner

6. Weekly Schedule

7. Weekly Goals

8. Weekly To-Do List

9. Monthly Planner

10. Monthly Schedule

11. Monthly Goals

12. Monthly To-Do List

13. General Goal Setter Template

14. Habit Tracker

15. Note Papers


-This course is designed for leaders, executives, project managers, employees, entrepreneurs, freelancers and students who want to accomplish more with less effort in their career.

-This course is also intended to save time for teachers, coaches and employers who needs to teach time management to their coaches, students and employees with no compromise.

-Anyone who becomes digital nomads at Covid 19 era and having problems in goal setting, focusing on their strategies and getting poor results in their professional careers and social lives.

-In fact anyone who procrastinates because of feeling burdened by being “busy” everyday and cannot unlock their full potential in their business (and social) lives would better get this course.





A Warm Welcome

Philosophy to Maximize Your Limited Time On 3 Dimentional Earth

What is Time?

What is Time Management & What is it For?


Section Overview


Personal roadblock Type 1: Lack of Self Discipline

Personal Roadblock Type 2: Procrastination

Personal Roadblock Type 3: Private Disorganization

Personal Roadblock Type 4: Trying to do So Much

Personal Roadblock Type 5: Leaving Things Unfinished

Personal Roadblock Type 6: Being Afraid to Say “No!”

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Personal Roadblock 7: Socializing with People

Personal Roadblock Type 8: Inability to Block Phone Calls and Visitors

Cognitive and Logical Roadblock Type 1: Sunk Cost Fallacy

Cognitive and Logical Roadblock Type 2: Reciprocity Bias

Professional Roadblock Type 1: Inadequate Planning

Professional Roadblock Type 2: Ineffective Delegation

Professional Roadblock Type 3: Inadequate or Untrained Employees

Professional Roadblock Type 4: Increased Business Expenses

Professional Roadblock Type 5: Uncertain Lines of Authority or Duty

Professional Roadblock Type 6: Inefficient Meetings

Thought Based Barriers: 5 Barriers for Different Scenarios

Action Barriers Type 1: Do-Overs

Action Barriers Type 2: Unused Wait Time

Action Barriers Type 3: Disruptions cause Poor Recovery

How Would We Characterize Our Life Goals with Swot & Soar Analysis

What is SWOT Analysis and How Relevant is it?

Why and how do we define time management goals?

The Smart Technique

Reviewing Your Objectives After The “Which? Why? What? How? “and Smart Technique

SOAR Analysis: What is it and Is SWOT Superior to SOAR?


Section Overview

Dosage Principle

What is Pareto Principle A.K.A 80/20 Rule

How does Pareto principle will help you?

How to Use the Pareto Principle to Set Goals

How Does Pareto Principle May Affect You If You’re A(n)…

Parkinson’s Law: What is it?

Why is Parkinson’s Law Relevant to Time Management?

How to Identify Key Jobs and Decision Positions with DACI System

Eisenhower’s Matrix: What is it?

What exactly are ‘important’ and “urgent” assignments in Eisenhower’s Matrix

Quadrant Explanations of Eisenhower’s Matrix

Procedure and Hints for Using “The Eisenhower Technique”

Time Boxing Method and Pomodoro Technique: Might They be Cousins?

What is the Procedure for Using Timeboxing?

Phases of Timeboxing with Pomodoro Technique

1-3-5 Rule & MIT Method

A Quick Note on the Ivy League Technique


Section Overview

Daily Hacks for Time Management in the Workplace (Part 1)

Daily Hacks for Time Management in the Workplace (Part 2)

Hacks for entrepreneurs and Freelancers

Time Management Hacks for All Levels of Students

Hacks for 6 different Types of Procrastinators

Universal Time Wasting Behaviours to be Aware of All of Us

FIRST SECRET PHILOSOPHY : Minimalism is Bulkier than Living Large

SECOND SECRET PHILOSOPHY: 9 Path to Finding Inner Value for Time Management

SECOND SECRET PHILOSOPHY: How Those 9 Paths Could be Used?

Take Care!

Bonus Pack: To-Do Lists & Planners Bundle!

Daily Planner

2) Daily Schedule Template

3) Daily To-Do List Template

4) Daily Goals Planner Template

5) Weekly Planner Template

6) Weekly To-Do List Template

7) Weekly Schedule Template

8) weekly Goals Planner Template

9) Monthly Planner Template

10) Monthly Schedule Template

11) Monthly Goals Planner Template

12) Monthly To-Do List Template

13) Goal Setter Template

14) Habit Tracker

15) Notes Template

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