• Post category:StudyBullet-7
  • Reading time:8 mins read

Prepare for frontend interview, coding & system design round, javascript problems, articles & guidance.

What you will learn

Full day Javascript bootcamp

All JavaScript string & array methods

Functions, Call, Apply & Bind, IIFE pattern

ES6, operators, data-types and hoisting

Static & Dynamic importing in JavaScript

Callbacks, Promises & Closures

Javascript Searching & Sorting algorithms

Frontend System Design guidance

Interview Questions & Solutions

Participate in product roadmap discussions

Web performance considerations

Realize the importance of accessibility

Decide future product roadmap

Know the aspects interviewers look at

Collaborate with product managers

Choose Minimum Viable Product (MVP)

Software Engineering Life lessons

Frequently Asked Questions

Software engineer career advice

Dealing with interview rounds

CTC negotiation and RSUs

Soft skills development

Investment advice for software engineers

Read a lot of articles


My name is Manoj ( Founder @MSK Web development )

I have a decade of experience in frontend web development and I have been extremely successful in my career. I am now at the top 1% in India. I went through a series of ups and downs in my career to reach this state and I have covered all of it in this course. This will help any front-end engineer to boost their career ( using my experience ) and you will learn from my experience. It is the best thing to do.

It took me almost 10 years to populate the contents of this course. The lessons and problems I have solved to get selected in multiple interviews ( Including Walmart, PayPal, JP Morgan, Tesco, Oracle, Cerner & GE  ) and the teachings I obtained when I failed in multiple interviews ( Including Google, Facebook, Amazon, & Microsoft ), all are covered in this 1 course.

This course is applicable for junior to senior software engineers and those who are looking for a promotion / higher-level role. At some point, you will be assessed for your system design skills. So it is crucial to know what is the acceptance criteria. This will help you prepare better and increase your chances of clearing the round. You will also learn javascript and practice interview coding round as well.

First, you will learn javascript basics to intermediate concepts. Then, you will get guidance for the frontend system design interview round.

You will also be given interview problems that were asked to me in various interviews and the ones which I ask whenever I take an interview for a frontend engineer role.

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I will give you software engineering career tips based on my experience in multiple companies in this course.

I hope this course gives you a boost in your front-end career.

I would be extremely happy if you get benefited from my experience and get selected in your dream company.

Warm regards,

Manoj Satish Kumar




Course Introduction
Meet the instructor
Wear the designer’s shoes

Platform selection

Target devices
Progressive web apps

Search engine optimisation

Importance of SEO
Open graph standard

Identifying User workflows

Collaboration with product
Workflow scenarios

Component based design

Micro frontend methodology
Deciding the app state
UI logic VS Business logic

MVP release

Minimum Viable Product
Identifying service requirements
Volume of operation

Performance optimisation

Smooth VS Fast
Tuning techniques
Optimising images
Handling APIs
Browser tools


Design a Movie booking app

Role based management

Introduction to role based management

More aspects to consider

Versioning artefacts

Ensuring system quality

Quality assurance, control & techniques

Future roadmap

Roadmap characteristics

Closing note

Thank you