• Post category:StudyBullet-13
  • Reading time:6 mins read

A no-nonsense primer on everything you need to become a star Analyst, taught by an ex-BCG consultant and ex-Amazon PM

What you will learn

Navigate quickly around Excel (without using a mouse)

Clean data in preparation for data analysis

Use dynamic formulas to conduct detailed data analysis

Use beautiful and best-in-class formatting

Structure your workbook to be clear and auditable


Do you want to become known as the ‘Superstar Analyst‘ on your team? Want to deliver rapid analysis and insights, but unsure where to start with the various formulas? Still slowly clicking around in messy Excel workbooks?

Excel mastery is an upfront investment that will save you thousands of hours throughout your career. This was one of the best personal investments I ever made which was further honed as a BCG consultant and Amazon PM. I would like to pass my best learnings on.

Consultants, Business Analysts, Data Analysts, and Business Intelligence Engineers pride themselves on rapidly delivering beautiful, dynamic, and structured analysis. If you work in this field, mastering Excel is essential.

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After this crash course, you will know exactly how to do that. We will walk through examples of all the important formulas a superstar analyst needs to know, and the little-known shortcuts to do it faster than anyone else.

By the end of this course, you will:

  1. Master all the important formulas in Excel that matter, without getting overwhelmed by less important details
  2. Know the best-practices used by top analysis in consulting and Amazon
  3. Understand when and how to use each formula – you will shine in delivering workbooks that are beautiful and insightful, not just correct



How to use this course

How to navigate quickly in Excel

Shortcuts to quickly navigate a workbook
Insert or delete rows, columns, and sheets
Move and copy sheets
Split screen and freeze pane
Open new window of the same Excel file
Enter and exit cell using F2

How to clean data in preparation for analysis

Insert filters, multiple sort
Create tables
Find and replace data
IFERROR for calculations
IFS for creating buckets in a new column
LEFT RIGHT LEN SEARCH for manipulating text
LEFT RIGHT LEN SEARCH for manipulating text (advanced)
Cleaning dates
Using Excel’s Smart Autofill feature

How to analyze data

Pivot tables
Pivot tables vs. advanced COUNTIFS
Index match

Practice Assignment

How to format your output

Format numbers quickly, set decimal points
Using detailed formatting options in Ctr + 1
Conditional formatting
Align text, font color
Adding cell borders
Cell highlights
Use Paste Special to copy formats from another cell
Clear formatting from cells
Insert and delete comments from cells
Set row width and column height, Use autofit
Show and hide gridlines
Color the tabs in your workbook

Best practices for structuring your workbook

How to structure your workbook tabs
How to structure your Analysis sheet
Use dynamic formulas
Color code your analysis output numbers