• Post category:StudyBullet-15
  • Reading time:10 mins read

C Programming: The Fundementals of C Programming Language from Ground UP with Illustrated + Hands on Coding Expalanation

What you will learn

Understand Fundamentals of C Programming Language

Learn One of the Most Popular & Widely Used Language in the World

Master the C Programming Language from Ground Up

Understand How to Write Clean & Efficient Code in C

Learn How to Solve Problem Using C Programming Language


Welcome to ‘The Complete C Programming Course for Beginners’ course.

In this course, you’ll have a detailed, step-by-step explanation of C Programming where you’ll learn about the best ways to solve problems. This is the course I wish I had when I was learning myself for the first time. This course comes with a 30-day money-back guarantee. So nothing to lose!

Why you should learn C Programming Language?

  • C is often considered to be the mother of all languages because so many other languages have been based on it.
  • If you want to be a better programmer, software engineer, C Programming is a great way to get started.

This course does not skip the details, this is a step-by-step and line-by-line explanation course. You will learn how to write high-quality code and become a great programmer. This course does not just present how to code in the C programming language, but, also explained all the details of “why”. At the end of this course, you will fully understand the concepts of the C Programming language.

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Learning C programming will not only make you understand one of the most powerful Programming Languages of all time but also gives a strong base for developing Problem-solving Skills in the field of computer science and Engineering.

By the time you’re finished with the course, you will be prepared for common technical coding interview questions.

See you inside the course!




Setting up environment for writting C
Fresh 69 Coding Question + Solution (PDF Ebook)

Simple C Program

Basic Structure of a C Program
Hello World Program
Details hash include (#include)
How a C Program Execute

DataTypes and Variables

Datatypes and variables
Naming convention of a variable
Printing value of a variable
Datatypes with examples

How Computer Store Data (char, int, float, double)

How computer store character
How computer store integer
Introduction to ieee-754
How computer store floating point number
How computer store double number
Signed and Unsigned Integer

Arithmetic Operator and Assignment Operator

Different types of operator in C
Assignment operator
Arithmetic operator
Aside #include
Getting input from user
Aside New Line Metacharacter (\n)

Logical Operator & Relation Operator

Logical Operator
Short Circuit
Relational Operator

Operator Associativity & Precedence

Precedence & Associativity
Integer Division & Fractional Division

Conditional Flow

If…Else Satement
Nested if…else statement
Checking a number even or odd using if else statement
Switch Statement
Checking a number even or odd using switch statement
Find maximum of two integers
Find maximum of three integers
Find second larget of three integers

Ternary Operator

What is ternary operator
Find max of three integers using ternary operator
Find second largest using ternary operator

Control Flow

Introduction to loop
for loop
while loop
do…while loop
break and continue statement
Infinite loop
Nested Loop
Keep asking for a positive input
Sum of first n numbers
Sum of even numbers upto n
Sum of odd numbers upto n
Factorial of a number
GCD of a two numbers
Prime number test
Reverse an integer
Palindrome number
Print a triangle


Introduction to function
Parameter & Argument
Why int main() return 0
Local Variable and Global Variable
3 Place to declare functions
Implementation of square() function
Implementation of factorial() function
Implemetnation of pow(x, n) function
Implementation of reverse(int) function
Implementation of countDigits(int) function
Implementation of isPalindrome(int) function
Implementation isPrimeNumber() function


Array in C
Two dimentional array (2D Array)
How to find the size of an array (sizeof() operator)
Linear Search
Binary Search
Find min number in an array
Find max number in an array
Print 2D array


String in C
String functions
puts() & gets()
String literal & Character literal

Bitwise Operator

Bitwise Operator in C
Bit Masking
Check even odd number using bitwise operator


Pointer in C
Call by value & call by reference
Void Pointers
Null Pointers

Implementation of String Function

strlen() impelementation
strcat() implementation
strcpy() implementation
strcmp() implementation
strncmp() implementation