The Big Bang Mirage, Astronomy, Astrophysics, Cosmology
JWST is Challenging the Conventional Understanding of The Big Bang

What you will learn

Students will learn about the JWST and how it has made cosmic observations that challenge the basics of the Big Bang theory.

Students will learn about the Big Bang theory.

Students will be able to reflect on the new questions posed by JWST.

Students will be energized about the possibilities for humankind to better understand the Cosmos and their place in it.


Welcome to “The Big Bang Mirage,” a journey into the heart of our universe’s origins through the lens of the James Webb Space Telescope. I’m your guide, Glen Cole, and together we’ll traverse through the remarkable discoveries that have posed compelling questions and challenges to the conventional understanding of the Big Bang theory.

The Big Bang theory has long stood as the prevailing explanation for the birth and evolution of our universe. Supported by a myriad of evidence, from the cosmic microwave background radiation to the observed large-scale structure of the universe, this theory has painted a picture of a universe originating from a singularity, and expanding for over 13.8 billion years to the cosmos we observe today.

As we delve into the heart of cosmic mystery, we find ourselves at the threshold of new horizons with the advent of the James Webb Space Telescope. Launched in 2021, JWST is the premier observatory of the next decade, serving thousands of astronomers worldwide. It is designed to answer a wide range of questions across many fields of astrophysics.

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With its suite of highly sophisticated instruments like the Near Infrared Camera (NIRCam), Near Infrared Spectrograph (NIRSpec), and Mid-Infrared Instrument (MIRI), JWST is capable of observing the universe in multiple spectral wavelengths. This capability has opened the gates to uncharted territories, allowing us to peer back over 13.5 billion years to see the first stars and galaxies forming out of the darkness of the cosmic dawn.

Now, as we stand on the brink of cosmic revelation, we embark on a journey to explore the ten key discoveries by JWST that challenge our understanding of the Big Bang theory. Each topic will unveil a layer of the cosmic mirage, fostering a deeper understanding of the universe’s intricate tapestry.





Early Massive Galaxies

Early Massive Galaxies

High Star Formation Efficiency

High Star Formation Efficiency

Possibility of Faster Universe Expansion

Possibility of Faster Universe Expansion

Challenges to the LambdaCDM Paradigm

Challenges to the LambdaCDM Paradigm

Unexpected Galaxy Luminosity

Unexpected Galaxy Luminosity

Redshift Interpretation

Redshift Interpretation

Early Universe Transparency

Early Universe Transparency

Ionization Bubbles Around Early Galaxies

Ionization Bubbles Around Early Galaxies

Shock in Distant Galaxy Observations

Shock in Distant Galaxy Observations

New Data on Early Universe Conditions

New Data on Early Universe Conditions



Bonus Lesson

Bonus Lesson