• Post category:StudyBullet-14
  • Reading time:6 mins read

Learn to love the water, accompany your child to love the water, and learn the basic building blocks to learn to swim!

What you will learn

Parents and caregivers will: 1. Learn how to introduce water ( swimming ) to their children

2. Gain the knowledge to help their child gain the confidence they need to approach the water

3. Gain the knowledge to help your child enjoy and be safe in the water

4. Learn basic foundational skills for early learning to swim (submerging, blowing bubbles, kicking, floating, kicking, jumping in, getting to the wall)

5. Learn how to combine skills and begin independent swimming

6. Children will complete this course as happy, confident swimmers who love the water and are ready to progress in stroke technique for more advanced swimming


Invest in your child’s love and safety in the water! This course is perfect for any parent or caregiver who is unfamiliar with swimming, apprehensive of being around water, or nervous having their child around water, BUT really wants to change that.  The reality is that with the knowledge, simple basic steps, and a new perspective, you and your child can begin to love the water and thrive in it. Patty and Grace will give you all the tools and strategies to help you help you do just that!

This mother-daughter team of Patty and Grace aims to help parents give the gift of loving the water to their children. They have taught swimming lessons for over 20 years and have taught thousands of kids to swim. With all their experience, they realized that the happiest swimmers most often come from parents who have spent lots of time in the water with their children. You know your child best! You will be the best teacher, no matter your experience or level of swimming skill. All you need is Patty and Grace’s simple, positive, step-by-step approach to guide, cheer on, and assist your child in the water. Through simple instructions, easy-to-follow demonstrations, stories, and tips, you will gain the confidence you need. Armed with all of this, every trip to the pool or seashore will become a happy learning experience. Together you and your child will learn the safe, happy, and fun way to “meet” the water and thrive in it.

Maybe your child is already learning how to swim in a class. This course is also an amazing addition to traditional swim lessons! Traditional swim lessons are great, but they can often leave parents feeling unsure or uninformed! This course will help you boost what your child is already learning by having the knowledge yourself and the ability to jump in the pool when they aren’t taking a lesson and help them practice and feel happy about their new skills!

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Note➛ Make sure your 𝐔𝐝𝐞𝐦𝐲 cart has only this course you're going to enroll it now, Remove all other courses from the 𝐔𝐝𝐞𝐦𝐲 cart before Enrolling!

Patty and Grace’s goal is to equip parents with everything they need to pass confidence, joy, and positivity of the water to their children. This course will do just that and more. And what is more? Many, many years of enjoyment in and around water, not to mention a life-saving skill that is priceless!

Disclaimer: Your purchase of this course indicates that you have read and accepted this disclaimer. You accept full responsibility for the safety/health of yourself, your child(ren), and any swimmer while using the course or applying any of the skills during or after viewing this course. teamENERGIZE LLC does not accept any responsibility for accidents, injuries, or harm that may come from being in or around the pool or any body of water. Swimming is a dangerous activity, and you should always swim with a certified lifeguard present in clear water without any obstructions. Both children and adults should never swim alone, and they should never be near water or able to access water alone.

By purchasing this course, you agree to use it and the information provided at your own risk.



Meet Patty and Grace & Learn Water Safety Tips

Meet Your Swim Instructors & Learn Water Safety Tips

Having a Healthy Respect for the Water & Making Friends with the Water

Meet the Water

Learning to Go Under the Water!

The Steps

Learning to Get to Safety!

Get to the Wall

Back Floating and Safely Jumping into the Pool

Floating and Jumping

Learn to Kick through the Water!


Combine All Your New Skills and Certificate of Completion!

Review and Wrap Up!