• Post category:StudyBullet-14
  • Reading time:4 mins read

Spark Machine Learning Project (House Sale Price Prediction) for beginner using Databricks Notebook (Unofficial)

What you will learn

In this course you will implement Spark Machine Learning Project House Sale Price Prediction in Apache Spark using Databricks Notebook(Community edition server)

Launching Apache Spark Cluster

Process that data using a Machine Learning model (Spark ML Library)

Hands-on learning

Create a Data Pipeline

Real-time Use Case

Publish the Project on Web to Impress your recruiter

Graphical  Representation of Data using Databricks notebook.

Transform structured data using SparkSQL and DataFrames


Spark Machine Learning Project (House Sale Price Prediction) for beginners using Databricks Notebook (Unofficial) (Community edition Server)

In this Data science Machine Learning project, we will predict the sales prices in the Housing data set using LinearRegression one of the predictive models.

  • Explore Apache Spark and Machine Learning on the Databricks platform.
  • Launching Spark Cluster
  • Create a Data Pipeline
  • Process that data using a Machine Learning model (Spark ML Library)
  • Hands-on learning
  • Real time Use Case
  • Publish the Project on Web to Impress your recruiter
  • Graphical Representation of Data using Databricks notebook.
  • Transform structured data using SparkSQL and DataFrames

Predict sales prices a Real time Use Case on Apache Spark

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About Databricks:

Databricks lets you start writing Spark ML code instantly so you can focus on your data problems.





Download Resources

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Project Begins

Introduction to Spark
Free Account creation in Databricks
Provisioning a Spark Cluster
Introduction to Machine Learning
Basics about notebooks
Regression Model
Explanation of few terms used in Model
File Content
Project Explaination
Important Lecture
Bonus Lecture