• Post category:StudyBullet-14
  • Reading time:8 mins read

Expand your knowledge of problem solving and impress your coding interviewers.

What you will learn

Familiarity working with Arrays, Strings, Trees, Linked Lists and many other data structures

Exposure to the most common questions asked in interviews

Be able to critically analyze a problem and work towards an efficient solution

Learn numerous tricks which can be applied to the future questions you encounter

Gain the confidence and skills to ace your coding interviews

Consider time and space complexity when designing algorithms



Hello everyone, and welcome to the course that will help you prepare for your coding interviews!

Specifically, we will be breaking down the easy collection of LeetCode’s Top Interview Questions playlist. This playlist includes 46 problems that are very commonly asked by interviewers from large tech companies such as Apple, Meta, Google, Uber, and many more! We will learn how to approach problems of all kinds, such as those consisting of Arrays, Strings, Linked Lists, Trees, Dynamic Programming, Design, Math, and general knowledge, while also learning useful concepts and tricks which will help when facing more difficult problems.

What is LeetCode?

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Simply put, LeetCode is a large repository filled with interview questions asked by the top tech companies around the world (Google, Facebook, Amazon, and many more).

The main problem as a new user on LeetCode is that there are ENDLESS amounts of questions that you can find on there so you may not know which questions are the most common/beneficial to go over. This course’s purpose is to provide a solution to this issue, as I go over the Top Inteview Questions recommended by LeetCode. If you are looking to ace your upcoming coding interview or even just to strengthen your problem solving skills, then look no further as you have found the one-stop-shop to become a problem solving machine.

Course Overview

For each problem in the playlist, I have a video dedicated to explaining the thought process in detail which will lead us to the most efficient solution, paired with a visual to aid in explaining the algorithm. After we understand the approach for the most efficient solution, I will translate the visual into Java code, breaking down every line as I code it. After the entire solution is implemented, we will analyze the time and space complexity of the solution.




LeetCode #26: Remove Duplicates From Sorted Array
LeetCode #122: Best Time to Buy and Sell Stock II
LeetCode #189: Rotate Array
LeetCode #217: Contains Duplicate
Understanding Binary Representation
LeetCode #136: Single Number
LeetCode #350: Intersection of Two Arrays II
LeetCode #66: Plus One
LeetCode #283: Move Zeroes
LeetCode #1: Two Sum
LeetCode #36: Valid Sudoku
LeetCode #48: Rotate Image


LeetCode #344: Reverse String
LeetCode #7: Reverse Integer
LeetCode #387: First Unique Character in a String
LeetCode #242: Valid Anagram
LeetCode #125: Valid Palindrome
LeetCode #8: String to Integer (atoi)
LeetCode #28: Find the Index of the First Occurrence in a String
LeetCode #14: Longest Common Prefix

Linked Lists

LeetCode #237: Delete Node in a Linked List
LeetCode #19: Remove Nth Node From End of List
LeetCode #206: Reverse Linked List
LeetCode #21: Merge Two Sorted Lists
LeetCode #234: Palindrome Linked List
LeetCode #141: Linked List Cycle


Depth First Search
Breadth First Search
LeetCode #104: Maximum Depth of Binary Tree
LeetCode #98: Validate Binary Search Tree
LeetCode #101: Symmetric Tree
LeetCode #102: Binary Tree Level Order Traversal
LeetCode #108: Convert Sorted Array to Binary Search Tree

Sorting and Searching

LeetCode #88: Merge Sorted Array
LeetCode #278: First Bad Version (Binary Search)

Dynamic Programming

Introduction to Dynamic Programming
LeetCode #70: Climbing Stairs
LeetCode #121: Best Time to Buy and Sell Stock
LeetCode #53: Maximum Subarray (Kadane’s Algorithm)
LeetCode #198: House Robber
House Robber Optimized Solution (Constant Space Complexity)

Design (Object Implementation)

LeetCode #384: Shuffle an Array
LeetCode #155: Min Stack


LeetCode #412: Fizz Buzz
LeetCode #204: Count Primes
Count Primes Time Complexity Proof
LeetCode #326: Power of Three
LeetCode #13: Roman to Integer


LeetCode #191: Number of 1 Bits
LeetCode #461: Hamming Distance
LeetCode #190: Reverse Bits
LeetCode #118: Pascal’s Triangle
LeetCode #20: Valid Parentheses
LeetCode #268: Missing Number