• Post category:StudyBullet-7
  • Reading time:5 mins read

Creating Forms in Smartsheet

What you will learn

Confidently navigate your way around on Smartsheet from top to bottom

Create Task Lists for your teams

Learn how to easily Transfer mass Excel data into Smartsheet automatically.

Create and manage workflows for your business through Smartsheet

Create automations through Smartsheet to streamline your workflows

Create and manage gnatt charts

Create Forms to caputure responses and data from anyone

Create QR codes that can take anyone to the Form you just created

Create Metric sheets that capure the data from Forms

Create Formulas confidently on the same sheet

Create Formulas confidently that cross over multiple sheets

Create Dashboards that are professional, clean, and have clarity

Create Dashboards that gather data from metric sheets that consolidate the info in a clean clear way to understand

Create Automation within sheets to streamline work you and others

Create Forms that capture specific responses that automatically get put on your custom PDF

Learn how to make POs (Purchase Orders) and forms that request POs.

Create and manage Reports

Learn how to cell link between sheets.


You will learn how to create forms in Smartsheet and then manage the data that comes in by creating automations, workflows, Reminders, and conditional formatting. You will even learn how to turn your form into a QR code so anyone can scan and fill. I will guide you step by step in how to create the form the right way so that the data that comes in is formatted the way you desire it. You will learn how to automate workflows so that when new data comes in, from the new form submissions, nothing will be missed and everyone who you choose will be notified. You will also learn how to use the row actions to your advantage so that reminders are set in place and pictures and documents can be reviewed by the team. Within automations you will also learn how to set up workflows that allow your team to approve or deny a submission that is specifically sent to them. When you are done completing this course you will be confident in building out forms from scratch for your company. With a strong foundation in creating forms you will be building a strong base for the rest of your project management within Smartsheet.

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How to create Forms in Smartsheet

Lesson #3: Forms
Creating the Form
Creating Automated Workflows
Managing the Data In Your Spreadsheet
Learn how to link your Form to a QR Code