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200 Questions / Salesforce Associate Tests by a 14x Sales. 5 full length topic level Salesforce Associate practice exam

What you will learn

Taking the Salesforce Associate exam is not just about getting certified. Studying for the exam is about gaining foundational knowledge that will prepare you fo

When taking the exam, pay particular attention to the question, and read it through a few times. For the scenario-based questions, there will be clues in the an

You should read every answer carefully and at least twice. It can be easy to skim the answers and accidentally choose the wrong answer because they look similar

When deciding on the answer, be sure to use the process of elimination to get rid of the answers that are definitely incorrect. Salesforce likes to throw in ans

You have a great tool at your disposal, the “Mark for review” feature. On each question, you will have a checkbox that you can mark so you can come back to the

As you move through the exam, you might come across questions and answers that help you identify the correct answer to an earlier question!

Keep the momentum going on your first pass through the exam – don’t dawdle over questions you have no idea about and use the “Mark for review” feature heavily,


  • 200 Questions designed by a Salesforce Expert with 21 Certificates.
  • 5 x 40 Question Practice Tests.

    Unlock your path to Salesforce success with our comprehensive Salesforce Associate Practice Exams course. Designed to propel you towards achieving your Salesforce Certified Associate certification, this course offers an in-depth exploration of the key concepts and skills required for the exam.

Through a series of meticulously crafted practice exams, you’ll have the opportunity to immerse yourself in realistic scenarios that mirror the actual exam. Covering the core domains of the Salesforce Ecosystem, Navigation, Data Model, and Reports & Dashboards, our practice exams ensure you’re fully equipped to tackle every aspect of the certification test.

With detailed explanations for each question, you’ll not only assess your knowledge but also gain insights into the rationale behind the correct answers. This approach aids in solidifying your understanding and addressing any knowledge gaps you may encounter.

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Our practice exams provide more than just assessment – they empower you to refine your time management, critical thinking, and problem-solving skills. Boost your confidence, minimize exam anxiety, and maximize your potential for success.

Whether you’re on the verge of taking the Salesforce Certified Associate exam or aiming to enhance your Salesforce proficiency, our practice exams offer a comprehensive and effective toolset. Join us on this educational journey and embark on a confident path towards Salesforce certification triumph.
