Learn the root causes of Alzheimer’s to reverse the disease

What you will learn

What is Alzheimer’s disease and how it is diagnosed

Conventional medical treatments for Alzheimer’s and why they haven’t worked

The true root causes of Alzheimer’s disease

Why each patient has a different combination of root causes

Learn about a personalized framework that helps you identify and address your unique root causes

Why take this course?

To reverse a disease, we first need to understand why it happened to begin with. And this is even more important when we’re facing a multi-faceted chronic disease like Alzheimer’s Disease.

In this course, I will show you that there are multiple root causes to Alzheimer’s. And hence this is the reason why conventional medicine has been unable to successfully treat this disease. We will go through each root cause in detail, along with basic information on how Alzheimer’s is diagnosed medically, the genes associated with the disease, as well as a protocol that has been clinically demonstrated to help you identify and address the root causes of Alzheimer’s. The course will also introduce diet and lifestyle modifications that are integral to reversing disease. Along with the course videos, you will receive useful handouts and questionnaires to help you take the next step forward.

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To reverse Alzheimer’s, you must find the combination of the root causes that apply to the individual. Whether you or your loved one has been diagnosed with Alzheimer’s, or you’ve seen it happened in your ancestry and are keen to prevent it, this course is the first step to understanding and treating this complex illness.

So join me to learn about the true underlying root causes of Alzheimer’s, and empower yourself to start the journey to take back ownership of your health and your life.
