Everything you need to know to resistance train and build a healthy, strong & muscular body.

What you will learn

Basic physiological responses to training and detraining.

The practical application of the adaptation principles.

How to make an effective training program.

In-depth knowledge of programming factors: Frequency, volume, intensity, exercise selection & technique, warm up, recovery intra-workout and between workouts.

How to perform the most effetive resistance training exercises.

Restitution factors, including the roles of nutrion, sleep, stress and recovery activities.

Basic anatomy of the muscoloskeletal system.


This course provides you with an evidence-based approach to resistance training. It provides you with a thorough understanding of the principles of adaptation and takes you through all the variables in a resistance training program – these are:

Exercises (which exercises should your program contain?)

Frequency (how many times per week should you work out?)

Volume (how much work should you do for a muscle group every week?)

–  Intensity (how much weight should you be using?)

Intraworkout recovery (how long recovery time is needed between sets?)

Exercise order (in which order should you do the exercises in your training program?)

Variation (when and how should you apply variations to your program?)

Warmup (how should you warm up for resistance training?)

Technique (how should you perform your exercises to optimize progression and minimize injury risk?)

Recovery (which factors affect recovery rate and how can you speed up your recovery rate?)

Periodization (how do you break through plateaus and plan for the longer term?)

These are the most important tools in your toolbox when designing your resistance training program and when exercising and recovering.

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I wish to keep my course up-to-date and relevant to everyone who purchases it, so please provide feedback and feel free to suggest subjects that may further improve the course.






Fundamentals of adaptation


Practical application






Intra-workout recovery

Exercise order


Warming up

