We will redesign amazon application from scratch including wireframing and prototyping

What you will learn




Application Design


Application design proceeds in parallel with conceptual design in a DBMS-independent way. When a database system is being designed, the designers should be aware of the transactions/applications that will run on the database. An important part of database design is to specify the functional characteristics of these transactions early in the design process. This ensures that the database will include all the information required by these transactions.

The DBA provides database transaction design and quality control services to the application programmers. Such support services include reviewing the database application design to ensure that transactions are correct, efficient, and compliant with database integrity and standards.

Due to the complex nature of today’s enterprise software applications, core functionalities of the application are tied to back-end application often referred to as “system of record.” Systems of record could be database systems or ERP systems for inventory and pricing information, for example. If these upstream systems are not scalable or they suffer from performance challenges, then the situation can grow into a system availability issue, especially during peak loads

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Application issues impacting availability

In addition to architecting various components to ensure high availability, it is imperative that the application modules be designed and coded so as to ensure high availability.

The difference between good app design and a poor one is usually the quality of its user experience. Fast loading times, ease of use, and overall customer satisfaction during an interaction should be integral parts of your design. Great app design is clearly laid out, efficient to use, and aesthetically pleasing.




Starting Wireframes
Home screen wireframes
Completing home wireframe

Lo-Fi Prototyping

Starting Lo-Fi prototyping
Categories bar
Scrollable bar
Feature screen
Finalizing home screen lo-fi prototype