• Post category:StudyBullet-13
  • Reading time:10 mins read

React.js and Firebase portfolio project. Build Realtor (Real estate) clone using React js 18, Firebase 9, Tailwind CSS 3

What you will learn

Create a React js project from scratch

Use Firebase auth for complete authentication

Use Firebase Firestore to store and fetch data

Learn how to sign up/in the users using username/password and Google oAuth using Firebase auth

Add forgot password functionality using Firebase auth

Work with latest versions like React js 18, Firebase 9 and Tailwind CSS 3

Learn the CRUD operations including create, read, update and delete using Firebase Firestore

Learn react router version 6 (latest version) to create routes, get the params and redirect

Learn how to create pages and routes in a react project

Learn how to use react toastify to create nice notifications

Learn to create private route and custom hook for protecting the user profile page

Learn how to create a beautiful spinner and loader

Learn important react event listeners like onChange and onSubmit

Create a reusable component such as listing cards

Create an image slider using Swiper js latest version

Add map to the page using leaflet and react leaflet packages

Learn how to deploy to vercel

Learn Google geolocation api and how to convert address to latitude and longitude

Learn how to use Tailwind CSS 3 to style a react project

Learn useEffect and useState react hooks


NEW React.js 18 and Firebase 9 project.

Build Realtor (Real estate) clone using React js 18, Firebase 9, Tailwind CSS 3, and React router 6.

The best course to learn React.js, Firebase and Tailwind CSS creating a real estate website. In this brand new course, you are going to learn how to build the realtor clone using ReactJS version 18, Firebase version 9 and tailwind CSS version 3.

Welcome to the project where you’ll build and deploy a realtor clone application using the newest version of react, Firebase and tailwind CSS. You’ll learn how to develop a professional website and deploy it to the internet so that you can share it with your friends and potential clients or put it on your portfolio. In this brand new project, we going to create an stunning new listing section, custom categories, responsive design, listings cards, rent and sale pages, and most importantly listing pages where you can see the map and image slider. Realtor clone is the best modern fully functional real estate application that you can currently find. By building this single web app, you’ll get the knowledge needed to build any website that uses CRUD operations including create, read, update and delete in react using Firebase Firestore database. You are going to learn Firebase auth for complete authentication and learn how to sign up or sign in the users using username and password and Google oAuth. Also, we going to add forgot password functionality using Firebase auth to let the users get the email with the link to change their password.

you’ll be able to develop this website using the most in demand technologies today such as react.js, Firebase, tailwind CSS and with just a couple of other dependencies like leaflet and swiper js. We are going to add a map using leaflet packages, and use Google geolocation API to convert addresses to latitude and longitude values. We are going toΒ  learn how to use Swiper.js latest version to add a super amazing image slider. and you will learn how to use react toastify package to create nice and customized notifications. and like all modern websites, you are going to create a beautiful spinner component and use it in all pages requiring loading effects. We are going to learn how create a reusable component such as a listing card that we can use in different parts of the website.

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You’ll build everything from scratch by watching this course. We’re going to start simple and then we’re going to move to more complex topics as we go alongside building this application. you’ll learn react functional components and their re-usability, react file and folder structure. You are going to learn important react events like onChange and onSubmit event listeners. We are going to learn how to use useEffect and useState react hooks to control the states and fetch data from the Firestore database. Also, you are going to learn how to create routes, use useParams and useNavigate hooks using react router latest version version 6. We are going to work on creating private routes and custom hooks for protecting the important pages like user profile page. You’ll achieve mastery using tailwind CSS version 3. and learn how to style the project using Tailwind CSS including how to add custom classes. And finally, we are going to deploy the website to Vercel to be able to share it with others or put it on your portfolio.

You might be wondering what are the prerequisites for building such an amazing website. You just need to know a bit of HTML CSS and JavaScript it would be great.

My name is Sahand, and I have over 15 years of programming experience.

I will be your instructor and answer any questions you may have in the comment section.





Installation and first template

Install React js and Tailwind CSS and create the first template
Create pages and routes
Create the header component

Authentication using Firebase auth version 9

Create Sign in, Sign up and Forgot password pages and OAuth component
Install firebase and react-toastify and sign up the user
Complete the OAuth functionality
Complete the Sign in functionality
Complete the forgot password page functionality

Profile page

Create private route for protecting the profile page and logout functionality
Add the edit functionality to the profile page
Complete the header component and make it dynamic
Create the spinner component
Create the create listing page UI
Add functionality of onchange and onsubmit functions to the create listing page
Add my listings section to the profile page and create the listingItem component
Complete the listingItem component
Add delete and edit functionality to the my listing section
Create EditListing page

Listing page

Create listing page and use Swiper to add the image slider
Add share copy functionality
Add the listing information to the listing page
Create the landlord contact component
Add map to the listing page using leaflet and react-leaflet packages

Home page

Create slider component and add it to the home page
Complete home page by adding recent offers, places for rent and place for sale

Offers and category pages

Complete the offers page
Create the places for rent and sale pages


Deploy to vercel