Learn PHP MySQL and PDO and Build a Complete Project
☑ You will be able to understand some backend key terms
☑ You will be able to grasp most common PHP standards code in no time
☑ You will be able to read and write PHP code
☑ You will be able to dive deep into some PHP complex topics easily
☑ Grasp the concept of SQL clauses, functions, data types
☑ Learn CRUD operations and how to use them to make use out of your database
☑ How to write simple to complex SQL queries
☑ Learn PDO from the basics to the advanced concepts
☑ Learn some advanced PDO concepts like transactions
☑ Utilize what you have learned by building an app from the ground up
Welcome to my full stack PHP, MySQL, and PDO course where you will learn everything you need to know about one of the most three hot technologies right now. This course is organized systematically from the programming language (PHP) to The most well-known database (MySQL) to the best PHP tool to connect to this database which is (PDO) to give the most interesting, fun, informative, and worthy opportunity for learning web development the right way. Throughout the course, you will be introduced to major parts of these tools that should get you your dream web development job by building your CV.
The course also is going to updated constantly in order to bring some more practical knowledge and projects. So what are waiting for? This is the best way to sharpen your skills and be a great developer. The course is also planned and sectioned out really well so if you have some experience with some technology you can move easily to your targeted tool. you can see in the curriculum that I flagged the tools with these —— tech name —— . if you are interested in this course, don’t hesitate and just get going with it
I hope to see you inside 🙂
Installation for The Course
Installing Xampp
Installing Sublime
———————-PHP Basics————————
Into to The Course
PHP Basics: Basic Syntax and First Steps
Basic Syntax
Print and Differences between Echo and Print
Single vs Double Quotes
PHP Basics: Data Types
PHP Basics: Operations
Arithmetical Operators
Assignment Operators
Comparison Operators
Increment and Decrement Operators
PHP Basics: Statements
If Elseif Else
PHP Basics: Loops
PHP Basics: Arrays
Arrays and Indexed Arrays
Associative Arrays
Multidimensional Arrays
PHP Basics: Functions
Functions with Arguments
PHP Basics: Super Globals
Intro to Super Globals
Sessions pt. 1
Sessions pt. 2
PHP Basics: Date and Time
———————-MySQL Basics————————
MySQL Basics: First Steps
Creating and Dropping Databases
Creating Tables
Dropping Tables
Inserting into Tables
Updating and Deleting
Data Types
MySQL Basics: Constraints
Primary Keys
Foreign Keys
MySQL Basics: Clauses
Select and Where
Order by
Group by
MySQL Basics: Alters
MySQL Basics: Joins
Inner Joins
Left and Right Joins
———————-PDO Basics————————
Intro to The Course
PDO: Connecting to The Database
Connecting to DB with PDO
Catching Errors
PDO: The Many Ways of Fetching Data with PDO
Getting Data with Query and Fetch pt.1
Getting Data with Query and Foreach
Getting Data with Query and Fetch pt.2
Getting Data with FetchColumn
Getting Data with FetchAll
PDO: Prepared Statements and Performing Crud Operations
Prepared Statements
Update and Delete
PDO: More Crucial Parts of PHP PDO
Getting RowCount
Getting LastInsertId
Closing the Connection
———————-The First Project————————
First Project: Complete PHP PDO Todolist
Setting Up
Inserting into DB
Pulling the Data
Deleting the Data