Python Deep Dive: Mastering Advanced Techniques
Unleashing the Power of Python with Advanced Techniques and Practices

What you will learn

Intermediate to Advanced Python Programmers: This course is suitable for those who have a solid grasp of basic Python syntax and concepts

Software Developers and Engineers: Professionals in software development or engineering fields who are looking to enhance their Python skills

Data Scientists and Analysts Seeking Deeper Python Knowledge

Enthusiasts Looking to Master Python: Individuals who are passionate about programming and wish to achieve a high level of proficiency in Python.


Dive into the depths of Python programming with our comprehensive course, “Python Deep Dive: Mastering Advanced Techniques”. This advanced-level course is meticulously designed for seasoned Python programmers seeking to sharpen their skills and deepen their understanding of complex Python concepts.

Section 1: Concurrency and Parallelism kicks off the journey with a practical exploration of threading, including an introduction to the threading module and the creation of threads. You’ll learn about race conditions and the criticality of locking mechanisms to prevent concurrent access issues and delve into multiprocessing to leverage multiple processors for efficient parallel execution. We will also explore the integration of threading and multiprocessing for enhanced parallelism.

Section 2: Magic Methods and Object Internals delves into Python’s unique features, beginning with an introduction to magic methods that add an element of ‘magic’ to classes. We’ll deep dive into object representation methods like Repr & Str, understand how to overload arithmetic operations, customize object comparison, and turn instances callable.

Section 3: Networking with Python covers setting up both UDP and TCP server sockets in Python, providing a solid foundation in network programming and data communication.

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Section 4: Decorators introduces you to the power of decorators in Python. You’ll explore common built-in decorators, learn to enhance decorators with parameters, and even create class-based decorators for advanced use cases.

Lastly, Section 5: Generators offers an in-depth look at generators, teaching you about on-the-fly iteration using generator functions and expressions, and how to create generators for infinite sequences.

By the end of this course, you will have a profound understanding of Python’s advanced features and be equipped with the skills to implement them in real-world applications. Join us to transform your Python expertise and push the boundaries of what you can achieve with this versatile language.



Concurrency & Parallelism

Race Conditions & Locking
Note on duplicate videos
Spawning Multiple Threads Within A Process
Spawning Multiple Threads Within a Process

Magic Methods

Intro to Magic Methods
__repr__ & __str__
Arithmetic Magic Methods
Comparison Magic Methods
__call__ Magic Method
__len__ Magic Method
Making Objects Iterable with __iter__ & __next__

Networking with Python

TCP Client-Server Using Python Socket Library
UDP Client-Server


Intro to Decorators
Built-in Decorators
Decorators with Arguments & Return Values
Class Based Decorators


Introduction to Generators
Infinite Generators