Microsoft PowerPoint for beginners & Intermediate users

What you will learn

Microsoft PowerPoint

Basics of PowerPoint

LinkedIn PowerPoint Assessment test preparation

LinkedIn PowerPoint Practice test



Animation Video

Transition Video

Shapes in PowerPoint

Text in PowerPoint

Slides in PowerPoint

Slide Master

Slide Show

Themes and Templates

Custom Themes and Templates

Making Thumbnails

Photo Creation

Photo edit in PowerPoint

Excel & Word in PowerPoint

5+ Projects


Welcome to the PowerPoint Basics course. If you are a student, a teacher or an office worker no matter what your position or job is PowerPoint is one software that everyone needs to know nowadays and most people use the software without knowing the basics of the software that makes it easy tasks difficult and makes less time-consuming tasks time consuming and results in sitting in front of the computer for more then necessary hours.

But with the knowledge of basics, your tasks can become more enjoyable and easy and you will be able to apply some difficult and complex methods to make your work stand out. the course will walk you through the basics but remember to become a Pro you need to practice and experiment a lot yourself.

the course comes with a practice test that can help you with the LinkedIn PowerPoint Assessment test

the course has 16 sections the description of the sections is given below:



•Slide Show




•Chart & Diagrams

•Guide, Ruler & More

•Slide Master


•Excel & Word in PowerPoint




  • Practice test for LinkedIn Assessment test



1. Introduction

2. Interface Introduction

3. Ribbon Options

4. Personalization

5. Hyperlinks



6. Adding Slides

7. Change Slide sizes for banners, CV, and Resume

8. Slide Themes

9. More Slide Themes

10. Editing and Saving Themes

11. Moving, Selecting, editing multiple slides

12. How to copy slides from one PPT to Another

13. Background Formatting for Slides

14. Background gradient

15. Slide Sections

16. Slide Sections Part-2


Slide Show

17. Slide Show Part-1

18. Slide Show Part-2

19. Slide Show Part-3

20. Slide Show Part-4

21. Slide Show Part-5

22. Slide Show Part-6

23. Slide Show Part-7



24. Inserting Text

25. More on text editing

26. Text editing paragraph

27. text to smart art



28.Inserting Shape

29. Shape changing

30. Shape dimension & picture

31. More on shape edit

32. Align shapes

33. Arrange shapes

34. Practice

35. Re-size using keyboard

36. A few more shapes

37. Merging

38. Using merges



39. Inserting pictures

40. Photo Album

41. Editing picture part-1

42. Editing picture part-2

43. Removing the background of pictures

44. Turn slides into pictures

45. Project-0


Chart & Diagram

46. Making Organizational

47. Making an Organizational chart using smart art

48. Colors of charts


Guide, Ruler & More

49. Guide & Ruler

50. Gridlines

51. Using ruler and text box for making table

52. Margins

53. Bullet point edits


Slide Master

54. Slide Master part-1

55. Slide Master part-2

56. Slide Master part-3

57. Slide Master part-4

58. Slide Master part-5

59. Slide Master part-6



60. Animation Part-1

61. Animation Part-2

62. Animation Part-3

63. Animation Part-4


Excel & Word in PowerPoint

64. Working with Excel within PowerPoint

65. How to insert Excel data in PowerPoint

66. How to insert Excel chart in PowerPoint

67. How to make a chart in PowerPoint

68. Animating charts

69. Word in PowerPoint


70. Slide Transition


71. Eye Dropper tool

72. Animation painter

73. Format Painter

74. Notes

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75. Page number method-1

76. Page number method-2

77. Screen recording + media inserts

78. Markup

79. Inserting tables

80. Spell Check

81. Print

82. Quick Access toolbar (QAT)

83. Quick resume making trick


Project-1: Animation Video

Project-2: Animated Intro Video

Project-3: Marketing Thumbnail

Project-4: Slide Show video

Project-5: Resume Making







Interface Introduction

Ribbon Options


Hyper links

Quiz on Introduction


Adding slides

Change Slide sizes for banners, CV and Resume

Slide Themes

More Slide Themes

Editing and Saving Themes

Moving, Selecting, editing multiple slides

How to copy slides from one PPT to Another

Background Formatting for Slides

Background gradient

Slide Sections

Slide Sections Part-2

Quiz on Section-2

Slide Show

Slide Show part-1

Slide show part-2

Slide show part-3

Slide show part-4

Slide show part-5

Slide show part-6

Slide show part-7

Quiz on Section-3


Inserting Text

More on Text editing

Text editing paragraph

Text to smart art

Quiz on Section-4


Inserting shape

Shape changing

Shape dimension & picture

More on shape edit

Align shapes

Arrange shapes


Re-Size using keyboard

A few more shapes


Using merges

Quiz on section-5


Inserting Pictures

Photo Album

Editing Picture Part-1

Editing Pictures Part-2

Removing Background of Pictures

Turn Slides into Pictures


Quiz on section-6

Chart & Diagram

Making Organizational chart

Making Organizational chart using smart art

Colors of chart

Quiz on Section-7

Guide, Ruler & More

Guide & Ruler

Grid Lines

Using ruler and text box for making table


Bullet Points Edit

Quiz on section-8

Slide Master

Slide Master part-1

Slide Master Part-2

Slide Master Part-3

Slide Master Part-4

Slide Master Part-5

Slide master part-6

Quiz on Section-9


Animation Part-1

Animation Part-2

Animation Part-3

Animation Part-4

Quiz on section-10

Excel & Word in PowerPoint

Working with Excel Within PowerPoint

How to insert Excel data in PowerPoint

How to insert Excel Chart in PowerPoint

how to make chart in PowerPoint

Animating Charts

Word in PowerPoint


Slide transitions


Eye Dropper tool

Animation Painter

Format Painter


Page Number Method-1

Page Number Method-2

Screen Recording + Media Inserts


Inserting tables

Spell check


Quick Access Toolbar (QAT)

Quick Resume making Trick


Project-1: Animation Video

Project-2: Animated Intro Video

Project-3: Marketing Thumbnail using Eye Dropper

Project-4: Slide Show Video with transitions

Project-5: Resume making

LinkedIn Assessment Practice Quiz

My Experience

LinkedIn Assessment Practice test with previous questions

