Take a quick tour of payroll department’s functions in less than 60 minutes

What you will learn

Details of payroll functions

Applicability of payroll objectives while performing payroll functions

Activities involved in each payroll function

Payroll functions specific to the payroll processing in UAE


Have you recently joined a Payroll department? or Are you looking to join a payroll department of a company working in India? or Have you recently taken the course ‘ Payroll Processing in India – An Introduction’ and feeling more interested to know about the intricate but interesting domain of payroll processing? Then this is THE course for you.

This course has been designed to help you understand the meaning of each function of a payroll department in detail, in a very crisp and interesting way. The course is aimed at giving you a tour of all payroll functions while providing you some simple activities to help you understand the work better. For knowing more about each of these functions till granular level and to comprehend the list of activities to be performed in each function you may take the course Payroll Processing in India – For Practitioners (Part 1 to 4).

By the end of this course, you would be able to

● List the functions performed by a Payroll department

● Summarize the meaning of each function of the Payroll department

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● Interpret the work performed by each function of the Payroll department

You can further enhance your experience by taking a free trial of our HRMS application.

So what are you waiting for? Enroll for the course and grab the greyt opportunity to learn payroll processing.



Collect Relevant Data
Lecture 1
Collecting relevant data
Lecture 2
Collect Relevant Data 2
Computing Salaries
Lecture 1
Computation of salary 1
Lecture 2
Computation of salary 2
Disbursement of salaries
Disbursement of Salary
Disbursement of Salary
Distribution of Payslips
Distribution of Pay slip
Distribution of Pay slip
Answering Employee Queries
Lecture 1
Answering Employee Queries
Lecture 2
Resolving Government Queries
Resolving Government Queries
Resolving Government Queries
Generating MIS
Lecture 1
Generating MIS 1
Lecture 2
Generating MIS 2