PanPy For Anybody

What you will learn

Panda Profilling

Use methods to Insert Columns

Use methods to Drop Unwanted Columns

Use methods to describe your data


This course is an introductory course to help learners to understand some methods used in  Exploratory Data Analysis-EDA using Pandas. This course is intended for absolute beginners and the course assumes that learners are comfortable coding in Jupyter notebook and have already installed the necessary IDE’s for programming in Python.

In this century of big data, it is considered a plus if an individual knows how to manipulate data and clean, and come out with a story about the data and how you can get business insights from such data to improve business.

Pandas is a library popular for data manipulation and data analysis including numerical-tabular data.

You’ll learn to use some basic methods to exploring a COVID19 dataset downloaded from the World Health Organization’s website.

You will learn to use methods to describe your data, methods to insert new columns into your dataset, methods to identify dulplicated values, methods to drop columns in the dataset, you will learn to do some mathematical computations on columns values such as sum or multiplying values of different columns to create or insert a new column and find null values.

The methods learned in this beginner course can serve as a foundation for which you’ll use for any other data analysis projects

It should be noted that the data visualization aspect of the course will be added to the course once they are being edited.




Installation & IDE Downloads-Python etc

Downloads & Installation


Pandas Exercise 2

Pandas Introduction

Pandas Exercise 3

Pandas Profilling

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Pandas Exercise 4

Pandas Methods-Datatypes || Index/Values

Pandas Exercise 5

Pandas Methods-Unique || Describe ||Shape ||Info

Pandas Exercise 6

Pandas Method-MIn || Max || Mean || Count

Pandas Exercise 7

Pandas Method-Comparison Operator

Pandas Exercise 8

Pandas-Renaming Columns

Pandas Exercise 9

Pandas Method-Indexing Data

Pandas Exercise 10

Pandas Method- Insert & Drop Columns

Pandas Exercise 11

Pandas Method-Is Null


Bonus Lecture