Balance in body, mind and soul with earth, water, air and fire , ether elements

What you will learn

A practice session for balance the five elements

How the panchtatwa lives in the body

Basics of panchtatwa to release stress

This courses does not include home remedies or tips for any disorder , its purely informational in nature


The Panchtatwa Balance Meditation Course is designed to help individuals achieve a sense of overall balance and well-being in their lives.

During this course, participants will learn and practice various meditation techniques that aim to harmonize their mind, body, and spirit. These techniques include mindfulness meditation, breathing exercises, visualization, and guided imagery.

The course will also cover the importance of physical and mental relaxation, as well as ways to manage stress and anxiety effectively. Participants will be guided in developing a regular meditation practice that they can incorporate into their daily routines.

Moreover, the Panchtatwa Balance Meditation Course emphasizes the understanding of one’s emotions and thoughts, promoting self-awareness and emotional intelligence. Participants will explore techniques to cultivate positive thoughts, self-compassion, gratitude, and resilience.

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The course is suitable for individuals at all levels of meditation experience, whether beginners or seasoned practitioners. It provides a supportive and nurturing environment for participants to deepen their meditation practice and enhance their overall well-being.

By the end of the course, participants can expect to experience improved focus, enhanced relaxation, reduced stress levels, increased self-awareness, and a greater sense of inner peace and balance. They will also have the tools and knowledge to continue their meditation practice independently beyond the course.

Join us in the Panchtatwa Balance Meditation Course and embark on a transformative journey towards finding inner harmony and living a more balanced life.




Welcome message for the course

Breathing practices

Breathing practice to get good focus on meditation (Preparetion)

relaxation meditation

Deep relaxation meditation for panchtatwa balance

Meditation step to align the body, mind with mother nature’s five elements

Aligning the body with mother nature in deep relaxing meditation practice

Summerise the meditation session

Summerise the meditation session with some conscious awareness practices

how we can make ourselves near to nature for balacing the panch tatwa

Align the body with mother nature with natural methods easy tips

How panchtatwa works in our body

Basics of Panchtatwa

Details of Panchtatwa meditation in pdf

PDF book about the Panchtatwa course