• Post category:StudyBullet-12
  • Reading time:5 mins read

Harness power of OpenAI ChatGPT3 in your work and study

What you will learn

Build next-gen apps with OpenAI’s powerful models

Access GPT-3, which performs a variety of natural language tasks, Codex, which translates natural language to code, and DALL·E, which creates and edits images

Start building with a simple API call in Python

Perform a wide variety of natural language tasks with GPT-3.

Translate natural language to code with Codex.

Understand how to query GPT3 chat

Understand what is GPT3 Playground

Application Integration with Streamlit


Current Topics

What is Generative Pre-trained Transformer 3 (GPT-3)  and how is it different from rest of transformers

Use cases of Open AI and Generative Pre-trained Transformer 3 (GPT-3)

Creating your Generative Pre-trained Transformer 3 (GPT-3) account

Querying Generative Pre-trained Transformer 3 (GPT-3)  and how ethical principles are upheld

Money making ideas with ChatGPT

  1. fiverr example
    2. Social Media Marketing
    3. Articles & Blog Posts

Generative Pre-trained Transformer 3 (GPT-3)  with google sheets integration and example

Get Instant Notification of New Courses on our Telegram channel.

Installing anaconda

creating virtual env in python

Building a model for auto response in a playground for yelp or amazon reviews

exporting model and integration with streamlit

Building a leetcode python code generator

Expanding python to any generic language code generator


  • Demo of JPT (jira with gpt3)
  • Demo of auto resume generator with gpt3
  • OpenAI Tabulate integration of gpt3 with excel
  • building a chatbot for customers
  • Business Ideas for Gpt3
  • Ideas for youtube video’s generated from gpt3
  • Writing an movie script with gpt3
  • LinkedIn Post for  some random topic with gpt3
  • write a blog on any topic with gpt3
  • gptj open source version of gpt3 how to use it in your application
  • nodejs example for gpt3 application
  • Gpt3 which jobs are likely to be affected in future prediction
  • How to generate income from using gpt3
  • Translate natural language to code with Codex.
  • Commercial applications built with OpenAI demo
    • GitHub Copilot
    • Keeper Tax
    • Viable
    • Duolingo


Getting started with chatGPT

Create your Account with chat GPT3
Getting Started with chatGPT and principles of ethical AI

Money making ideas with ChatGPT

fiverr example 1: WRITING & TRANSLATION
fiverr example 2: Social Media Marketing

What is GPT3?

what is GPT3

Installing Anaconda and creating virtual env

Installing Anaconda , creating venv , installing openai streamlit libraries

chatGPT with Google Sheets

Creating your API Key for Open AI
Example of integrating ChatGPT with Google Sheets

Project 1: Build a auto reply to any customer review with GPT3 and streamlit

Into to Playground , coding chatgpt3 API for auto reply to customer review

Project 2 : Build auto leetcode solution generator with streamlit + chatgpt3

Can ChatGPT solve your leetcode problems ?
chat GPT + streamlit with python solution for any eetcode problem
chat GPT + streamlit with any programing solution for any leetcode problem