• Post category:StudyBullet-13
  • Reading time:8 mins read

Learn about non communicable diseases, what they are, and how to prevent and manage them.

What you will learn

Students will learn about non communicable diseases, what causes them, and how to prevent and manage them.

Students will also learn about contemporary issues for NCDs including NCDs in the context of antimicrobial resistance, human rights and climate change.

Students will gain deeper insights on non communicable diseases data .

Students will learn from real examples of global work in the non communicable diseases space.


Non-communicable diseases (NCDs) are the leading killer diseases globally causing 7 out of every 10 deaths globally. 70% of the deaths caused by these diseases occur in low- and middle-income counties, especially in sub-Saharan Africa.

The Non-Communicable Diseases For Public Health Course will introduce the learners to what non-communicable diseases. The main aim of this short course is to enhance literacy on non-communicable diseases in a bid to improve better health outcomes through the application of the course content to daily life. This course can be taken by individuals, community health workers, teachers, students and even parents in a bid to learn about various non communicable diseases and on how to prevent and control them.

The course contains 9 modules and has been developed in simple easy to understand language that can be understood by the general population. It adapts the use of videos, images and audios to enhance learning. The course will also provide additional course content and research papers required to giver the learner deeper understanding of the topic.

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We are hoping that through this course, you will be more informed, you will have fun while learning and that you will share your learnings with someone else. Information is power and relevant information on non-communicable diseases has never been important as it is currently.

Learn, share, practice




Welcome To The Course

Module 1: Introduction To Non-Communicable Diseases (NCDs)

Introduction To Non-Communicable Diseases (NCDs)- video lecture
What Are Non-Communicable Diseases
The Global Burden Of NCDs (Non-Communicable Diseases)
Examples Of NCDs
Self-Assessment 1

Module 2 NCDs and The Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)

NCDs And The Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) video lecture
What Are SDGs
NCDs and SDG 3
NCDs And Other SDGs
Self-Assessment 2

Module 3 : Understanding NCDs Risk Factors

Understanding NCDs Risk Factors Video Lecture
Non-Modifiable Risk Factors
Modifiable Risk Factors
NCD Talks With An Expert on Tobacco as an NCD Risk Factor
Self-Assessment 3

Module 4 : Major NCDs Part 1: Cardiovascular And Chronic Lung Diseases Video Lec

Major NCDs Part 1: Cardiovascular Diseases Video Lecture
Cardiovascular Diseases
Know Your Blood Pressure Numbers
Chronic Respiratory Diseases Video Lecture
Chronic Respiratory Diseases
How To Keep Your Lungs Healthy
Self-Assessment 4

Module 5 Major NCDs Part 2 : Cancer And Diabetes

Module 5 Major NCDs Part 2 : Cancer video lecture
Cancer Prevention
Diabetes Video Lecture
Diabetes Prevention
NCD Talks With An Expert In Diabetes
Self-Assessment 5

Module 6 : Mental Illness And Less Talked About NCDs

Mental Illness Video Lecture
Mental Illness
Mental Illness Prevention
Less Talked About NCDs Video Lecture
Less Talked About NCDs – Vision Impairment
Less Talked About NCDs – Epilepsy
Less Talked About NCDs -Obesity
NCD Talks With An Expert In Mental Health
Self-Assessment 6

Module 7: Non-Communicable Diseases And Antimicrobial Resistance (AMR)

Non-Communicable Diseases And Antimicrobial Resistance (AMR) Video Lecture
Non-Communicable Disease And The World Of Tiny Organisms
Antibiotic Resistance And Non-Communicable Diseases
Self-Assessment 7

Module 8: NCDs Prevention And Control

NCDs Prevention And Control Video Lecture
NCDs Prevention : Foods To Eat
NCDs Prevention : Foods To Avoid
NCDs Prevention : Things To Do & Not To Do
The World Health Organization’s Global Action Plan
Self-Assessment 8

Module 9: NCDs And Human Rights

NCDs And Human Rights
Human Rights And Health
NCDs, Human Rights And Health
Self-Assessment 9

Module 10: NCDs and Climate Change

NCDs and Climate Change Video Lecture
Climate Change And Health: The Story So Far
Climate Change–Related Pathways To Noncommunicable Diseases
Climate Change, NCDs And Sustainable Human Development
Key Areas For Intervention.
Self-Assessment 10