• Post category:StudyBullet-15
  • Reading time:5 mins read

Become a Certified Mindfulness Life Coach and Practitioner

What you will learn

You will learn great mindfulness-based principles and use them with your clients or in your private life

You will lean how to enhance your self-awareness and the capability to self-regulate

You will learn many helpful Mindfulness based tools and techniques that can be used with clients, personal life, career and relationships.

You will learn how to improve your ability to influence people


Become a highly successful Mindfulness Life Coach and help your clients reach their potential and live a balanced and fulfilled life. After taking this course you will know how to use many excellent tools and techniques for helping your clients. You will be able to improve your own quality of life with this Mindfulness Life Coaching course. Mindfulness is an excellent technique that enables the practitioners rapid personal growth and improvement. Practicing DBT and Mindfulness helps developing positive and constructive view of the world while improving mental health.  It also help you to stay grounded and make wise decisions during times of pressure, crisis and stress. Practicing Dialectical behavioral therapy (DBT) will raise the level of your self-awareness on a day-to-day basis and begin developing a mindfully contemplative life. Also, being self-aware and mindfull helps people in making right career choices as well as business decisions. Mindfulness is a type of meditation in which you focus on being intensely aware of what you’re sensing and feeling in the moment, without interpretation or judgment. Practicing mindfulness involves breathing methods, guided imagery, and other practices to relax the body and mind and help reduce stress. In DBT you will be able to learn strategies to accept and tolerate your life circumstances, emotions, and yourself. You will also develop skills that can help you make positive changes in your behaviors and interactions with others.

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Connection of Emotions and Behavior
Raising the Level of Self-Esteem
Recognizing your Emotions
Thought Patterns
Patterns of Problematic Thinking
Be the Observer
Relaxation Strategies
Dealing with Overwhelming Emotions
Benefits of Mindfulness
Why Mindfulness?
Importance of Mindfulness
Stop Your Mind Racing
Stop Your Mind Racing; 4-7-8 Exercise
Present Moment Exercise
Mindful Breathing
Focus on a Single Object
What can Mindfulness do for Students
Being Mindful of Your Emotions Without Judgment
Being Mindful of Your Emotions Without Judgment – 9 Steps
Resistance to Mindfulness
Overcoming Resistance to Mindfulness
Mindful Communication
Mindful Listening
Lovingkindness Exercise
Wise Mind
Intolerance of Uncertainty
Hijacked by Anxiety
Breaking the Cycle
Practicing Radical Acceptance
Radical Acceptance 10 Steps
Radical Acceptance in Daily Life
Emotional Record
Emotional Awareness
Dealing With Clients Who Lack Commitment
Making Ethical Decisions
Genuine Interest
Sharing Responsibility
Avoiding Perfectionism