Microsoft Access - Intermediate Level
Learn Database Concepts, GUI Development, Querying Data and much more using Microsoft Access from Industry Professional

What you will learn

Building Relationships between Datasets

Fetching the data from a table using SQL Queries

Creating Reports and Forms

RDBMS Conceps


MS Access: Overview, Main Components, and Benefits

MS Access is an application software launched by Microsoft to utilize databases, create apps, and store data in Microsoft Azure SQL and SQL server. Mainly, it offers a graphical user interface for managing the data efficiently than spreadsheets and Microsoft Excel.  It’s also one of the members of the Microsoft 365 suit of application.

Let’s get a brief overview of MS Access, its components, uses, and benefits.

MS Access Overview

As stated earlier, Microsoft Access is a DBMS or database management system that mixes software development tools and Microsoft Jet Database Engine along with a graphical user interface. Given below is the history & development of Microsoft Access:

* The first version of MS Access was launched on November 13th, 1992 by Microsoft

* Borland & Fox were the database Management systems used before Access got introduced

* It became Microsoft’s very first mass-market database software

* Multiple changes got made and Microsoft gradually released various versions of it. Each version has its storage requirement and modified RAM

* The current version of Microsoft Access requires 2 GB of RAM

* Let’s move forward and know some of the uses of MS Access.

Uses of MS Access

Following are the important uses of it:

* It creates user-friendly front ends

* User can insert data easily in the database of Microsoft Access

* Repetitive tasks can be performed using macros in the MS Access

* Software developers can create web applications easily with the help of this software

* It works best with DB2, Oracle databases, SQL Server and it can support ODBC standards as well

* Users can import and export data to spreadsheet files or word processing files

* MS Access can also be utilized to connect directly with data stored in Microsoft Excel, XML, HTML, dBase, Outlook, Text, Oracle, MySQL, Postgre SQL, Paradox, and Microsoft SQL server

MS Access Main Components

Following are the main components of MS access:


Tables are one of the important components of MS Access software. It is used for storing information or data in the form of columns, and rows.


Relationships are the connections or links which got formed between either one or more tables in a database. It has four types namely-

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* One to one relationship

* One to many relationships

* Many to one relationship

* Many to many relationships


Queries are basically commands that are used to get back the information or data from the database. It also enables users to insert data in the MS Access databases.


Forms are components or objects that allow users to enter the data in the table through an interface. Users can display data easily.


When data got inserted by the user into the database, they can view the data in an organized manner via running the reports. However, reports can’t be edited, unlike forms.


Macros are used for operating repetitive tasks and forms in the Microsoft Access database. It enables you to add functionalities to control, forms, and reports.


Modules are used for operating the automated routine and user-defined functions written in VBA. Users can use modules in the MS Access database from anywhere.

Benefits of Using MS Access

Microsoft Access offers a lot of advantages for user convenience which is stated below-

* Users can create a database in less time easily

* Users can do comprehensive programming

* New options and features are available and the revised revision of MS Access will bring additional options and features

* It can be installed easily

* Datasets can be easily imported or exported

* Graphical user interface made it understandable for the user

Limitations of MS Access

* A better database system is available for confidential data

* Too many people can’t use the same database simultaneously and it affects the efficiency and speed

* The same database could be difficult to operate using different OS



Microsoft Access Course Content

MS Access Installation
Important Update
What is Database/MS Access
Interface Walkthrough
Creating a Table
Creating a table using Table Design
Field Properties
RDBMS Concepts
Data Modelling
Referential Integrity Enforcement
Sorting & Filter
Find Replace & Text Formatting
Forms Part 1
Forms Part 2
Forms Part 3
Forms Part 4 (Student Database Management System)