Matomo & ChatGPT: Learn How to Boost Your Analytics Skills
From Configuration to Strategy: Mastering Matomo’s API & ChatGPT for Enhanced Web Analytics

What you will learn

Master Matomo’s Reporting API: Learn comprehensive setup, configuration, and data extraction techniques for tailored web analytics and reporting.

Integrate ChatGPT with Matomo’s API: Explore how to enhance both configuration and reporting in Matomo using ChatGPT for advanced analytics solutions.

Advanced Configuration and Data Analysis: Gain expertise in configuring Matomo’s Reporting API for specific needs and extracting meaningful insights.

From Configuration to Insight: Learn to set up Matomo’s Reporting API effectively and use the data to drive strategic decisions and optimize web performance.


Welcome to a comprehensive journey into the world of advanced web analytics with Matomo and ChatGPT. This course is designed to transform beginners and intermediate users into proficient analysts capable of leveraging the full potential of Matomo’s Reporting API in conjunction with the innovative capabilities of ChatGPT.

What You Will Learn:

  • Introduction to Matomo: Start with the basics of Matomo Analytics, understanding its importance in the digital world and how it stands out in the analytics landscape.
  • Diving into Matomo’s Reporting API: Get a detailed walkthrough of the Matomo Reporting API, learning how to configure and use it effectively for customized data reporting.
  • Exploring ChatGPT: Understand the fundamentals of ChatGPT, its role in enhancing data analysis, and the possibilities it opens up when integrated with analytics tools.
  • Understanding Integration Limitations: Learn about the practical limitations and challenges in integrating Matomo with ChatGPT, including handling HTTP requests, user interface considerations, and utilizing the ChatGPT API.
  • Comprehensive API Methods Coverage: Delve deep into the numerous methods available in Matomo’s API, from AbTesting to VisitsSummary. Each module will be explored to understand its application and how it can be used to extract meaningful insights.
  • Practical Exercises and Real-World Applications: Solidify your learning with hands-on exercises. Apply the concepts and techniques learned to real-world scenarios, ensuring you can apply these skills in your professional environment.

Who This Course Is For:

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This course is ideal for web analysts, digital marketers, IT professionals, and anyone interested in mastering web analytics. Whether you’re looking to enhance your skills for professional development or personal interest, this course offers the knowledge and practical experience you need.

Course Outcome:

By the end of this course, you will have a thorough understanding of both Matomo and ChatGPT, equipped with the skills to configure, analyze, and interpret web data effectively. You’ll be able to make informed decisions based on comprehensive data analysis, taking your analytics capabilities to the next level.




An introduction to Matomo
An introduction to ChatGPT
An introduction to the Matomo Reporting API
Introduction video

Using the Matomo reporting API with ChatGPT

How to use the Matomo Reporting API?
A non exhaustive list of what you can perform with the Matomo Reporting API
Using the Matomo reporting API with ChatGPT video

The Matomo reporting API with ChatGPT in details

Annotations use case example
Export Get use case example