• Post category:StudyBullet-15
  • Reading time:8 mins read

Unleashing the Power of SQL: Dive into MariaDB’s Versatile Database Management System

What you will learn

SQL Fundamentals: Master the fundamentals of SQL, including data querying, filtering, and sorting techniques.

Data Manipulation: Learn how to insert, update, and delete records in your database with ease.

Database Design and Management: Understand database design principles and learn best practices for efficient data organization.

Advanced Queries: Explore advanced SQL concepts such as joins, subqueries, and aggregate functions to tackle complex data challenges.

Security and User Management: Discover essential database security techniques and learn how to manage user privileges effectively.

Views and Stored Procedures: Harness the power of views and stored procedures for improved code organization and data manipulation.

Database Optimization: Optimize database performance by implementing indexing and other performance-enhancing strategies.


Are you ready to embark on a journey that will unlock the power of SQL and unveil the capabilities of MariaDB, a leading open-source database management system? Whether you are a complete newcomer to the world of databases or a seasoned developer looking to sharpen your SQL skills, this course is designed to be your comprehensive and approachable entry point into the realm of data manipulation and management.

In this course, we will take you from the very basics of SQL to mastering the intricacies of MariaDB, providing you with a solid foundation in database concepts, data querying, and database administration. We believe that understanding databases and SQL is essential for any modern software developer, data analyst, or IT professional, as data is at the core of every successful application and business.

Throughout the course, we’ll guide you step-by-step, starting with the fundamentals of SQL syntax, data retrieval, and data modification. You’ll learn how to harness the power of SQL to create, update, and delete records, as well as perform complex data operations with ease.

But that’s not all! We’ll also delve into advanced topics such as database design principles, data normalization, and optimizing database performance. You’ll gain valuable insights into managing user privileges, working with views and stored procedures, and even explore the world of database security.

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Our hands-on approach will ensure that you not only understand the theory but also gain practical experience in applying SQL concepts to real-world scenarios. With our interactive exercises and real-world examples using MariaDB, you’ll be well-prepared to take on the challenges of the modern data-driven landscape.

Whether you’re looking to advance your career, build data-driven applications, or simply quench your thirst for knowledge, “Mastering SQL with MariaDB: An Essential Beginner’s Guide” is your gateway to a world of endless possibilities. Let’s embark on this learning journey together and unlock the true potential of SQL with MariaDB!

Are you ready to dive in? Let’s get started!



Introduction to Databases and SQL

Introduction to SQL with MariaDB
Understanding the basics of relational databases
Introducing MariaDB: Features and advantages
Relationship between MySQL and MariaDB
Setting up MariaDB and SQL environment
Download and install MariaDB
Download and Install MariaDB Management Tool
Download Sample Database
Basic Database Concepts
Data Types

Retrieving Data with SELECT

Learning the SELECT statement syntax
Filtering data with WHERE clause
Sorting query results using ORDER BY
Using LIMIT to control result sets
Using Aliases

Data Manipulation with INSERT, UPDATE, DELETE

Inserting data into tables
Updating existing records
Deleting data from tables
Managing transactions for data integrity

CRUD Operations

Introduction to CRUD Operations
Create CRUD Operation
Adding new data
Read CRUD operation
Update CRUD Operation
Delete CRUD Operation
Truncating a table
Dropping a table
Removing Duplicates
Sorting data

Data Aggregation and Grouping

Introduction to Aggregate Functions
Using AVG function
Using COUNT function
Using MAX function
Using MIN function
Using SUM function
The GROUP BY Clause
The HAVING Clause
Using GROUP BY to group data
Performing aggregate functions: SUM, AVG, COUNT, MAX, MIN
Filtering grouped data with HAVING

Extracting Data From Multiple Tables

Understanding table relationships (one-to-one, one-to-many, many-to-many)
Extracting data with an INNER Join
Extracting data with a CROSS Join
Extracting data with a LEFT Join
Extracting data with a RIGHT Join
Utilizing subqueries for complex queries

Using Operators

UNION Operator
EXCEPT Operator
Comparison Operators
AND | OR Operators

Advanced SQL Techniques

Utilizing aliases for readability
Working with views and stored procedures
Introduction to database security and user privileges
Applying SQL skills to real-world scenarios