Learn to predict cryptocurrency future prices using the power of Python Machine Learning (Artificial Intelligence)
What you will learn
Learn to Predict Future Cryptocurrency Prices with ML Python Coding.
Learn to Build Machine Learning Models for Cryptocurrency Price Predictions.
Create a Web App that will Predict Cryptocurrency Future Prices.
Learn to Deploy Machine Learning Models for Cryptocurrency Price Prediction.
It is a comprehensive course that shows how you can build a stylish web app with machine learning at the backend to predict the future price of any cryptocurrency. The main course has a mini crash course on Python for newbies and culminates into the theory and practice of Machine Learning and its predictive modeling application on cryptocurrencies.
At the end of this course, you will be able to develop a full-fledged web app that will take in data (available for free on the Internet). As you will provide the data to the web app, the web app having its predictive machine learning model at the backend will spit out the future prices of a cryptocurrency.
The course includes all the code for the web app, and with a tiny tuning in the code, you can adjust the web app to predict the prices of any cryptocurrency. And for any number of days in the future (recommended not to proceed more than 10-15 days for accuracy).
All the tools, software, and data used in the course can be downloaded for free and put to use instantly.
This course builds Machine Learning models from three popular algorithms. With Python code taking advantage of the predictive nature of machine learning, that can detect patterns in data that humans are not capable of doing. All the models go through evaluation for their accuracy before deployment.
I hope you will be able to build bigger, better, more efficient, and more effective models and web apps to predict cryptocurrency future prices with more accuracy.