• Post category:StudyBullet-15
  • Reading time:5 mins read

Early Identification of Emergency Paediatric Conditions is Critical to improve the Prognosis of Babies

What you will learn

Physiological vs Pathological Jaundice in Neonates

Conjugated vs Unconjugated Hyperbilirubinemia

Gastroesophageal Reflux vs Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease

GORD – Clinical features, Investigations, Management (Medical vs Surgical)

Hypertrophic Pyloric Stenosis – Presentation, Investigations, Treatment

Incarcerated vs Strangulated Hernias – Clinical Presentation, Management


Inguinal Hernias – Incidence, Embryology, Clinical presentation, History, Complications and Treatment

Hirshprung’s Disease – Presentation, Diagnosis, Embryology, Definition, Pathophysiology, Histology, Treatment

Congenital Diaphragmatic Hernias – Bolchadek (posterolateral hernias) and Morgagni (retrosternal hernias)

Oesophageal Atresias – Presentation, Diagnosis, Treatment

Omphalocoele- Ruptured vs Intact Membrane

Gastroschisis- Presentation, Treatment, Prognosis

Omphalocoele vs Gastroschisis – High Yield Summary

Swallowed Maternal Blood – APT test, Maternal vs Foetal Blood

Necrotizing Enterocolitis – Presentation, Risk Factors, Diagnosis, Treatment

Polyps vs Anal Fissure

Gastrointestinal Bleeding – Resuscitation, Causes, History, Examination

Upper vs Lower Gastrointestinal Bleeding – Presentation

Anorectal Malformations – High vs Low

Duodenal Vs Jejunal Vs Ileal Atresias vs Meconium Ileus

Neonatal Bowel Obstruction – High vs Low Bowel Obstruction

Transport of a Neonate – transport (nasogastric tube, aluminium foil/space blanket, oxygen, stabilise)

Haemorrhagic Disease of the Newborn [Vitamin K Deficiency]

Stress Gastritis – Presentation, Complications, Investigations, Treatment


Our Paediatric Surgery Course is a critical topic within Emergency Medicine and General Surgery.  Understanding all concepts presented in this course will benefit you in your clinical and theoretical examinations.

In this course, we extensively cover physiological vs pathological jaundice in neonates; conjugated vs unconjugated hyperbilirubinemia; gastroesophageal reflux vs gastroesophageal reflux disease (clinical features, investigations, management); hypertrophic pyloric stenosis; incarcerated vs strangulated hernias; Hydroceles; inguinal hernias; hirshprung’s disease; congenital diaphragmatic hernias; oesophageal atresias; omphalocoele; swallowed maternal blood; necrotising enterocolitis; polyps vs anal fissures; GI bleeding; anorectal malformations; duodenal vs ileal vs juojenal atresias vs meconium ileus; neonatal bowel obstruction; transport of a neonate; haemorrhagic disease of the newborn; stress gastritis.

Within each lecture, we go through a systematic approach to interpret all medical conditions which can present in Paediatric Surgery. Please do not focus on memorising the lectures. Rather focus on understanding key concepts. All lectures can be downloaded. Please adapt lectures according to your study style, I.e. if you wish to make summaries from the provided lectures, then please do so.

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This course is ideal for all age groups and any person who is interested in expanding their knowledge within Paediactric Surgical Conditions. This course is not solely limited to medical students and health care workers.

If you are still unsure about certain topics, please revise using the lectures. You have life-time access to all lectures. Good luck and I hope you enjoy this course on Paediatric Surgical Conditions.



Paediatric Surgery Quiz