Learn the Power of Faith Healing Techniques
Having Faith in a higher purpose is reported as aiding healing by millions of people. In this course we discover this.

What you will learn

The History and Theory of Faith Healing

The Science of Faith Healing

The Skepticism of Faith Healing

The Techniques of Faith Healing


Faith healing, also known as spiritual healing, is a practice in which religious or spiritual beliefs are employed to bring about physical, emotional, or spiritual healing. It is based on the idea that faith, prayer, or divine intervention can lead to the restoration of health and well-being. Faith healing is found in various religious traditions and is often associated with the belief in the power of a higher spiritual force, deity, or divine energy.

Key elements of faith healing include:

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  1. Belief in Divine Intervention
  2. Prayer and Invocation
  3. Laying on of Hands
  4. Anointing with Oil
  5. Religious Ceremonies and Rituals
  6. Belief in Miracles
  7. Integration with Medical Treatment

It’s important to note that while faith healing is deeply meaningful and significant for many individuals, views on its efficacy vary widely. Some people report positive experiences and attribute their healing to faith, while others may be more skeptical or prefer evidence-based medical care. The intersection of faith healing with cultural, religious, and ethical considerations makes it a complex and multifaceted aspect of healthcare within diverse communities worldwide. Individuals considering faith healing are encouraged to make informed decisions, and in cases of serious health conditions, it’s advisable to consult with qualified healthcare professionals for comprehensive medical care.

In this course Dr. Conor Hogan introduces Faith Healing, gives the historical background to the process of healing, the criticism of it as a healing modality and the scientific evidence both supporting it and rejecting its worth as a healing therapy. He also recalls his own personal experiences with Faith Healing and you`ll be surprised at the outcome.



Parts 1-5

Faith Healing Part 1
Faith Healing Part 2
Faith Healing Part 3
Faith Healing Part 4
Faith Healing Part 5
Faith Healing Quiz