• Post category:StudyBullet-7
  • Reading time:4 mins read

Learn about networking and become a Network Engineer

What you will learn

Describe network fundamentals and build simple LANs

Explain the OSI model

Explain how addresses are allocated using DHCP

Public Key Infrastructure

Basic Encryption

Data hashing


Understand and work with MAC and IP addresses

Wifi Security

How to use VPN


Welcome to the Learn TCP/IP – Computer Networking Fundamentals course! This course will get you started with Networks and the TCP/IP Protocol suite. This course is for people who want to either get started with or improve upon existing network skills. In this course you will start of with a general introduction to the OSI Model which is the core of networking and then you will be introduced to more advanced topics such as Public Key Infrastructure, Encryption, Data hashing and WireShark network Analysis.

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This course covers the following topics:

  • Network basics
  • Network architectures (OSI Model)
  • What are switches and routers?
  • How is data forwarded through a network?
  • IP addresses
  • MAC Addresses
  • IP subnetting
  • Cabling and network topologies
  • DNS and DHCP
  • Routing
  • VLANs
  • Encryption
  • WireShark Basics
  • Data Hashing



OSI Model
IPv4 vs IPv6
MAC Addresses


Switching and Routing
TCP-IP Suite
WireShark – Network analysis

Ports and Protocols

WireShark and Protocols
Ports and protocols

Wifi Security

Basic Wifi Security
VPN Tunneling
VPN Protocols – Part 1
VPN Protocols – Part 2
Introduction to Authentication

Encryption and PKI

Encryption – part 1
Encryption – Part 2
Data Hashing – Part 1
Data Hashing – Part 2
PKI (Public Key Infrastructure)