Learn to code In Python by Develop & Build Games in Python, Python Basics, Python OOP, Python Games Projects
☑ Learn Python in easy and simple way.
☑ Learn coding in Python by examples.
☑ Learn how to use Jupyter notebook and IPython for Python coding.
☑ Learn Python programming basics.
☑ Learn Object Oriented Programming(OOP) in Python.
☑ Learn How to use Pygame Python Library to build and develop Python Games
☑ 5 Python Games projects to Master The Python Powerful Skills you will learn.
Python Programming course, full Guide for Python Programmers & Python Coders in a simple and easy way with Python Examples, Python quizzes, Resources & 5 Python Games Projects in Python Games, Python OOP, to master Python 3 from zero to hero in this course.
What you will learn in this course ?
- Learn Python by doing 5 Python Games Projects.
- In this course you will learn how to Install Python 3.
- In this course you will learn how to use python IDLE.
- In this course you will learn how to choose Python IDE to learn coding.
- In this course you will learn how to Install Anaconda for Python coding.
- In this course you will learn how to use Online Jupyter for Python Programming.
- In this course you will learn how to use Python IDLE.
- In this course you will learn how What the difference between Variables & Operators in Python.
- In this course you will learn Operators Types in Python.
- In this course you will learn Python Data Types.
- In this course you will learn String Functions & entries in Python.
- In this course you will learn how to use Input String Function in Python.
- In this course you will learn Python Data Structures.
- In this course you will learn how to create Lists & lists operations in Python.
- In this course you will learn how to create Dictionaries & Dictionaries operations in Python .
- In this course you will learn how to create Tuples & Tuples operations in Python.
- In this course you will learn and when to use For Loop in Python. to create Sets & Sets operations in Python.
- In this course you will learn how and when to use Control Flow and Loops in Python.
- In this course you will learn IF Statement and control flow in Python.
- In this course you will learn how and when to use For Loop in Python.
- In this course you will learn how and when to use While Loop in Python.
- In this course you will learn how to Handle Errors in your Python programs.
- In this course you will learn how and when to use Python Functions.
- In this course you will learn how and when to create functions in Python.
- In this course you will learn how and when to use Lambda Expression in Python.
- In this course you will learn how to create and use to Python Modules.
- Lear how to use Python to open files.
- Learn coding in Python by examples in this course.
Why to master Python Programming Language by this course ?
Python is a high level programming language, strong, elegant, and easy to learn.
Python is Objective oriented programming Language so you can use objects when coding in python.
Python is Free open source programming language.
Python can be used for a large variety of programming tasks, such as for desktop applications, game programming and mobile development all of that can be done using Python programming Language.
Python is a cross platform language, which means that code written for one operating system, such as Windows, will work well on Mac OS or Linux without making any changes to the Python code.
Environment Preparing for Python
Python2 VS Python3
Understanding Data Types in Python
Python Refresher
Variables, Operators and Data Types in Python.
String Functions in Python.
Data Structures in Python
Control Flow VS Loops
Error Handling in Python
Functions in Python
Files and Modules in Python
Object Oriented Programming (OOP) In Python
Creating Simple Class.
Overviewing Constructor.
Learning How to creating Dunder Methods?
Learning about Inheritance.
Knowing What is the Encapsulation?
Learning also about Multiple Inheritance
Knowing What is the Overriding?
Learning about Decorators.
Learning How to use Build-in Decorators?
Project Color Choices Game
Project Walk through
Project Helpful Notes
Project Solution
Project Hangman Game
Project Walk through
Project Helful Notes
Project Solution Part 1
Project Solution Part 2
Project Tic Tac Toc
Project Walk Through
Project Helpful Notes
Project Solution
Pygame Python Library (Module)
Pygame Library Part 1
Pygame Library Part 2
Pygame Library Part 3
Project 4
Pong Game Part 1: Create The Pong Display With The Middle Line
Pong Game Part 2: Adding The Two Paddles
Pong Game Part 3: Adding Bouncing Ball
Pong Game Part 4: Adding Score System
Pong Game Part 5: Adding Game Sound System
Project 5
Flappy Bird Game Overview
Adding Background and Base
Adding The Doubled lines of Pipes
Adding The Moving Bird
Use Collisions between The Bird & Other Game Objects
Adjust The Bird Animation
Adding The Score System
Adding The Game Sounds