Covers Node.js, ES6, Classes, Arrays, Objects, Functions, Phaser 3, Express.js and more!
What you will learn
Covers Node, ES6, Classes, Arrays, Objects, Functions, Phaser 3, Express and more!
Ever wanted to learn Javascript, Node.js & Express.js but found traditional courses a little boring & long?
Jump straight in by coding a snake game and learn the fun way!
You will get experience using:
Noteβ Make sure your ππππ¦π² cart has only this course you're going to enroll it now, Remove all other courses from the ππππ¦π² cart before Enrolling!
- Javascript
- ES6
- Classes
- Arrays
- Functions
- Objects
- Phaser 3
- Node.js
- Express.js
- Phaser 3
Snake is a nice, simple game that includes many fundamental elements that you will find in many games. It is the ideal first game to code.
The game includes:
- Movement
- Input handling
- Power ups
- Randomisation
- Collision detection
- Game over handling
I hope you enjoy the course!
Getting Started
Installing Visual Studio Code & Node.js
Node.js & Express
Getting started with Node.js & Express – Hello World!
Express your inner HTML…
Phaser 3 – Getting Started
Phaser – Back In Black
Phaser – Our Main Scene
Phaser 3 – The Snake
Phaser – Start the Snake
Phaser – Snake Jerky
Phaser – Patriot Snake
Phaser 3 – The Apple
Phaser – Scrumping
Phaser – Snake Bite (& black please…)
Phaser 3 – Final Tweaks
Phaser – Die Snake Die
Phaser – Snake Seriously Just Die
Phaser – Never Going Back Again
This is the End
What is Node.js & why do we use it here?