• Post category:StudyBullet-2
  • Reading time:10 mins read

learn french- french language course – french for Intermediate -francais – 3 minute french

What you will learn

Count from 100 to 1000 (Comptez de 100 à 1000)

Numbers ordinal and fractions (Nombres ordinaux et fractions)

Calculations (Les calculs)

Verbs of the first/second/third group (Verbes du premier groupe)

Marital status (Statut matrimonial)

Male-Female (Masculins Féminins)

Adverbs of frequency (Adverbes de fréquence)

French Adjectives (Adjectifs français)

French Adjectives (Adjectifs français)

Asking question (Poser une question)

Daily routine/ Home activities (Routine quotidienne / Activités à la maison)

Polite reaction (Réaction de politesse)


Learn and master French

You will understand and master the french. I assure you that!!! 😉

If you have always wanted to learn and master French this course is for you.

You don’t need to have a lot of computer skills to get started, we’ll see step by step how to get there.

This course is for all people with no knowledge of the French language, for beginners, amateurs and even for professionals for the enrichment of their knowledge.

Indeed, this course is designed in such a way as to make you know and really easily understand French

— In a nutshell—

This course is for: Anyone who wants to master French.

Final goal for you: At the end of the course, you will be able to know all the basics to better begin learning the French language. you will be able to speak and know a few words in French

This course will cover:

Ø Color (Couleur)

Ø Animals (Animales)

Ø Clothing (Vêtements)

Ø Countries (Pays)

Ø Count from 100 to 1000 (Comptez de 100 à 1000)

Ø Numbers ordinal and fractions (Nombres ordinaux et fractions)

Ø Verbs of the first group (Verbes du premier groupe)

Ø Verbs of the second group (Verbes du deuxième groupe)

Ø Verbs of the Third group group (Verbes du Troisième groupe groupe)

Ø Calculations (Les calculs)

Ø Marital status (Statut matrimonial)

Ø 15 words and fixed Expression (15 mots et expression fixe)

Ø Expressing opinions agreement, disagreements (Exprimer des opinions d’accord, des désaccords)

Ø Male-Female (Masculins Féminins)

Ø Accent Marks (Marques d’accent)

Ø Adverbs of frequency (Adverbes de fréquence)

Ø French Adjectives (Adjectifs français)

Ø Asking question (Poser une question)

Ø Polite reaction (Réaction de politesse)

Ø Time (Heure)

Ø Daily routine/ Home activities (Routine quotidienne / Activités à la maison)

Ø Introduce yourself (Présentez-vous)

Mastering French is not complicated at all. If you take this course well, you’re going to be able to get by.

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Note➛ Make sure your 𝐔𝐝𝐞𝐦𝐲 cart has only this course you're going to enroll it now, Remove all other courses from the 𝐔𝐝𝐞𝐦𝐲 cart before Enrolling!

So what are you waiting for?

I invite you to start this training today!!






Some notions (Quelques notions)

Color (Couleur)

Animals (Animales)

Clothing (Vêtements)

10 words and fixed Expression (10 mots et expression fixe)

Numbers (Les nombres)

Numbers ordinal (Nombres ordinaux )

Fractions (Fractions)

Count from 100 to 1000 (Comptez de 100 )

calculation sign (Signes de calcul)

Verbs and groups (Verbes et les groupes)

Verbs of the first group (Verbes du premier groupe)

Verbs of the second group (Verbes du deuxième groupe)

Verbs of the Third group group (Verbes du Troisième groupe groupe)

Marital status (Statut matrimonial)

Marital status (Statut matrimonial)

Expressing opinions agreement, disagreements (Exprimer des opinions d’accord,

Expressing opinions agreement (Exprimer des opinions d’acords)

Expressing opinions disagreements (Exprimer des opinions des désaccords)

Genders Male-Female (Masculins Féminins)

Gender Male (Genre Masculin )

Gender Female (Genre Féminins)

Accent marks (Marques d’accent)

Accent marks (Marques d’accent)


Adverbs of frequency (Adverbes de fréquence)

Adverbs of habit

Interrogative adverbs (Adverbes interrogatifs)

Polite reaction (Réactions de Politesse)

Polite reaction (Réactions de Politesse)

Time – Heure


Daily routine ( Routine Journalière)

Daily routine ( Routine Journalière)

Introduce Yourself ( Présentez vous)

Introduce Yourself ( Présentez vous)

