Learn how to design a compiler with simple knowledge and optionally go over one interpreter example in Python

What you will learn

Learn the basic parts of a compiler to later have an easier understanding of advanced concepts in the future

Learn how a compiler works internally

Learn the three important steps of a compiler

Learn how to make a basic math calculator/interpreter in Python, optionally


Welcome to the course “Learn Basic Compiler Design”.

You will be taught the essential and basic steps of a compiler.

You are also offered a free Python code of an example “Math interpreter/calculator” written in the style of a compiler/interpreter.

If you are a beginner, and you are starting compiler design, this course is the one for you. This course tries to teach at the most basic and simple level at best, and it does not try to create too much complexity for beginners.


The objective is to explore the data structures and necessities involved in the creation and design of compilers.

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After completion of this course, each student will understand the steps and process of a basic compiler.

What will you learn:

  • Lexical Analyzer
  • Numbers (like Binary Numbers)
  • Operations
  • Parser (Binary Trees, Expression Trees)
  • Grammar
  • Interpreter (Abstract Syntax Tree Interpreter)

Important information before you enroll:

  • This course is COMPLETELY FREE, meaning you don’t have to pay ANYTHING to use this course.
  • When you are enrolled in this course, you have lifetime access to the course.
  • You will have instant and free access to any updates I add to the course.
  • You will get full support from me with any question you have.

Come and join this course, with a free learning experience of compiler design.




Course Introduction
Optional: Using Python

Lexical Analysis

What is a Lexical Analyzer?
Arithmetic Operators
Numbers (Binary Numbers, Scanning)
Lexical Analysis Quiz
Optional: Creating Lexer in Python


What is a Parser?
Binary Tree
Operator Precedence
Grammar (Expressions)
Parsing Quiz
Optional: Creating Parser in Python


What is an Interpreter?
AST/Binary Tree Walking
Interpreter Quiz
Optional: Creating an Interpreter in Python

Summary & Final

Final Quiz