• Post category:StudyBullet-4
  • Reading time:5 mins read

You can quickly go from a newbie to an advanced excel user in no time

What you will learn


Advanced Excel

Advanced Excel Formulas

Pivot Table and Slicers

Advanced Conditional formatting


Vlookup & XLookup


Updated for 2021

You would get to learn the basic concepts that run excel and become efficient at it. This is the most updated course on Excel with the Most recent formulas and Features that matter the most.

You can be the excel guru at your workplace and master most of the unknown or poorly used shortcuts. Yet very powerful in their own terms.

This course will give you a deep understanding of the advanced Excel formulas and functions that transform Excel from a basic spreadsheet program into a dynamic and powerful analytics tool. While most Excel courses focus on simply what each formula does, I teach through animated designs and videos for you to understand the concepts better.

We’ll deep dive into a broad range of Excel formulas & functions, including:

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  • Lookup/Reference functions
  • Statistical functions
  • Formula-based formatting
  • Date & Time functions
  • Logical operators

What gives you the right to teach this class? Can’t I just Google this stuff?

I have a genuine passion for Excel that most people reserve for things like kittens, ice cream, and significant others. The only thing I love more than learning Excel is teaching it, and as the founder of YourExcelGuy and have helped 10000+ students across 10+ countries.


-Kadhir (Founder, YourExcelGuy)




About me
Ribbons and Environment
Difference Between Range and Tables

Basic Features

Filtering Data
Merge and Centre
Data Validation
Text Wrap

Advanced Features

Text to Columns
Flash Fill
Paste Special
Pivot Tables

Operators in Excel

OR Formula or Operator
AND Formula or Operator
IF Formula

Aggregation Formulas

Sum formula
SumIF formula
Average Formula
AverageIF Formula
Count Formula
CountA Formula
Round Formula

Text Formulas

Len Formula
Left Formula
Right Formula
Lower Formula
Upper Formula
Proper Formula
Formula Knowledge Checker

Date Formulas

Now Formula