• Post category:StudyBullet-11
  • Reading time:5 mins read

Learn about Psychology of Cognitive Biases, Persuasion and Influence

What you will learn

Psychology of Persuasion & Influence

How to use Cognitive Biases in real life to influence people

Understanding Deception & Manipulation

why persuasion is important when coming to communication

Psychology of Thinking Errors and how to use it to persuade people

How to become influential and persuasive


What Is Persuasion?

Persuasion can be a powerful force that affects the decisions and actions that people take. It is a process in which one person or entity tries to influence another person or group of people to change their beliefs or behaviours. It is distinct from coercion, in that the people receiving the message have a choice about whether to act on it.

Persuasive messages are symbolic (using words, images, and sounds) and may be transmitted verbally or nonverbally, via media or face-to-face communication. Persuasion may be overt or subtle. Understanding how it works can help you become more aware of how you are influenced by persuasive messages.

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How can you change someone’s mind? And how are you swayed by others? Persuasion refers to the influence people have on one another—changing someone’s beliefs, decisions, or actions through reasoning or request.

Choosing the right principle for persuasion depends on the context. In a corporate context, a brand hoping to boost sales may leverage the authority principle by securing an expert’s endorsement. In a social context, an individual may deepen a relationship by inviting an acquaintance to a birthday party; due to the reciprocity principle, the acquaintance may then return the favour another time.

This course is created by Vyas Psychology Training Centre




Cognitive bias – confirmation
Cognitive bias – Choice overload
Cognitive bias – Reason respecting tendency
Cognitive bias – Labeling Effect
Cognitive bias – Availability Overweight Bias
Cognitive bias – Appeal to interest
Cognitive bias – Hot Cognition Test

Section 2

Stronger frame leads to better persuasion
Filter test for successful persuasion
Handling judgement is important
The Halo Effect
Self Deception Introduction
What is Self Deceit?
Assessment of Self Deception
Self Deception – Resource

Bag of Tricks Persuasion & Influence

Caffeine drinkers more influenced
Ridiculous and then Real
Filled Stomach is easier to convince
Convincing through stories
Ask for commitment in public
Vaccum of silence
The law of Likeability
Subconsciously building trust
Choice Framed Requests
Radical Self Honesty
Appear Confident in Your Persuasion
Explain the reason for your request.