• Post category:StudyBullet-5
  • Reading time:27 mins read

What you will learn

You can follow this project on latest version of laravel

You will make 6 web applications with PHP & Laravel &Vue js

Everything related to Laravel by making projects

Student will learn to make quiz application

Student will learn to make ecommerce application

Student will learn to make photo sharing application

Student will learn to make ringtone&wallpaper download application

Student will learn to make Role based Employee management application

And lots of more cool things


Ready to build something awesome?

You will be learning Laravel by making 6 web applications from basic to advanced projects.

PROJECT1: Restaurant app


This is a simple application where an admin can manage foods available in his restaurant and customers can view the details of the food such as price, description of the food, etc. Admin will able to create the categories for the food and manage the foods.

PROJECT 2: Online examination(quiz) app with Laravel and Vuejs


An online quiz or online examination is a web application that allows the admin to set the questions with a maximum of four options along with the correct answer. Admin can categorize the questions by creating the category for the questions. This helps the admin to list all the questions for a particular category whenever necessary. Admin can create the users. Admin can assign the exam to his/her staff/interns/students for a particular category such as programming quiz, aptitude test, and so on. Each student/employee/intern who has been assigned a quiz can attempt the quiz and the result will be available to the candidate and admin can also view the result of the candidate in his/her dashboard.

What students will learn?

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  • Students will learn to integrate the free admin template.
  • How to write clean code.
  • How to include Vue js in the project.
  • How to display one question on screen per page and implement the next and previous button and do an ajax request with Vue js.
  • How to include Moment.js for the timer.
  • How to make a design database structure, use the relationship to query.
  • How to solve the challenging problem related to coding.and many more…
  • =>You can download all the videos, project code, templates and ask unlimited questions to the instructor in the Q&A section

PROJECT 3: Ecommerce application with Laravel


Ecommerce is a web application through which the company or a particular user can sell his products. In this project, we will make a web-based e-commerce web application in which the admin can create a category, subcategory, manage his/her products, view user details, view purchase details and the user will able to filter, search and buy the products from the website via the stripe payment method.

What students will learn?

  • You will learn to integrate the free admin template.
  • You will learn to make a simple e-commerce frontpage design.
  • You will learn to make a category, subcategory, products, filter the projects, etc.
  • You will learn to make dependent dropdowns with ajax for category and subcategory.
  • You will learn to make features such as adding products to the cart, updating the product, removing the product from the cart,  checkout, system, etc.
  • You will learn to integrate Stripe payment.
  • You will learn to make the dynamic carousel to display the projects and sliders on the front page.
  • No package involved for adding product to cart, we will make our own functionality for that.and many more…

    =>You can download all the videos, project code, templates and ask unlimited questions to the instructor in the Q&A section

PROJECT 4: Photo share application with Laravel and Vue JS


      The Phottoshare app is a web-based application that allows the user/photographer to share their photos with the world. Take beautiful photos, create an album in a particular category, and upload photos in your album and is ready to view. One user can able to follow another user and can also view his/her albums and photos. Any logged-in user can also leave a review in someone’s album. As a guest user, you will be able to browse the photos based on category(such as Technology, Wildlife, People, Underwater, etc).

What students will learn?

  • You will learn how to work with Vue js in the frontend and Laravel at the backend.
  • You will learn to implement important features such as bulk image upload, updating user avatar and background picture, creating an album, and working on form validation, follow/unfollow system, pagination, etc with Vue js.
  • You will learn to integrate sweet alert.
  • You will learn to integrate Disqus comments.
  • You will learn many things about Vue js and Laravel through example.and many more…

    =>You can download all the videos, project code, templates and ask unlimited questions to the instructor in the Q&A section

PROJECT 5: Mobile ringtone and wallpaper download website


This is a website from which you will able to download ringtone and wallpaper for your mobile. Any guest user can download a variety of ringtones from a different category.  He/She will be able to download the same image in three different sizes(Large, Medium, and Small). The website will keep a record of the number of ringtones downloaded by the user. Other features include leaving reviews and comment on particular ringtone/wallpaper and sharing ringtone/wallpaper on social media by clicking the share button from this website.

What students will learn?

  • You will learn to upload files such as audio and image with validation.
  • You will learn to use the Laravel Image Intervention package.
  • You will learn to use the comment system and the social share button plugin.and many more…

    =>You can download all the videos, project code, templates and ask unlimited questions to the instructor in the Q&A section

PROJECT6: Complete employee management system with users, roles, permission, bulk mail, leave, notices, etc.


You will make a complete employee management system for your company or for someone’s company. There can be different types of users such as Admin, Supervisor, Editor, Staff based on roles given to them by admin while registering a user. A user(admin/supervisor) can create a department(such as the IT Department, Sales&Marketing Department), can create users, roles and assign permission for editing, updating, deleting, or accessing the particular record. Admin can create important notices and will be available to view for all the staff of the company. Admin can send a mail with attachments(such as image, pdf, doc, Docx) to one staff, to all staff, or to all staff of the particular department.

What students will learn?

  • You will learn to integrate the free admin template.
  • .You will make a feature that allows the admin to create a staff profile.
  • You will make a feature that allows admin to make roles and assign permission to staff without using any package.
  • You will make a feature that allows admin to send bulk mail with attachments to staff.
  • You will make a feature that allows admin to create notices.
  • You will make a feature that allows admin to create staff leave(sick leave, annual leave, etc).
  • You will make the restaurant app=>You can download all the videos, project code, templates and ask unlimited questions to the instructor in the Q&A section




Project Setup

How to download project code and templates

PROJECT1:overview of the project

Overview of quiz application


Laravel Scaffolding

Model, Migration and Relationship

create model and migration file
create field name and migrate file
create fillable and relationship

Integrate Admin Template

create js and css links
creating different pages and master file

Quiz Section

create quiz form
validate and store quiz in database
get all quizzes
Update Quiz
delete quiz
create sidebar links

Question section

create question form
validate and store questions
get all questions
show questions with options
edit questions
update question and answers
delete question and answers
view questions belongs to quiz


Register a user
get all users
update user details
delete a user


create a seeder file
make and implement middleware

Assign exam

assign exam form
admin assign exam to user
admin view exam and user
add sidebar
remove assign exam


Frontend get details of quiz
get quiz questions
get one question on screen vue js
get user responses vue js
store user responses in database
handling situation
Display user results
implement timer
user profile
Route fixed


view result part1
view result part2
result view part3
result view part4
working on dashbaord
DOWNLOAD PROJECT & Disable right click and final video of quiz app


overview ecommerce project


Laravel scaffolding

Integration of Admin Template

fixing javascript and css links
split pages
extend template


category model and migration
category form and validation
Store category in database
Get categories from database
Notification message
delete category
update category
sidebar for category


Subcategory migration and model
create subcategory form and validate form
store subcategory
list subcategory
update subcategory
delete subcategory
sidebar for subcategory


migration of product table
create product form
ajax dependent dropdown
store product
datatable for product
list all products
edit product
update product
delete product
product sidebar

Migration and Seeder

migration of users table


create middleware


frontend page design part1
frontend page design and list product
frontend design partt3
frontend product view part4
frontend single product part5
frontend dynamic carousel
frontend similar product recommendation
frontend browse product by category
frontend checkbox filter
frontend remember checkbox state
frontend filter by price
frontend reset filter

Install fontawesome

install font awesome


Add item to cart
cart page design
display cart items
update cart
validation rule for cart
remove item from cart
missing links fixed

payment setup

payment form design
signup stripe and install package
Stripe payment form
payment complete
display product in checkout
display user orders


setup for mail
send mail with purchase details

Search product

search page design
search products


slider part1
upload images for slider
list sliders and delete sliders
make dynamic slider in frontend


Display all customers in dashboard

User order in Admin Dashboard

get user orders in admin dashboard part1
get user order in admin dashboard part2
get user order in admin dashboard part3

Download Project and final video

source code


project overview
laravel scaffolding
Register user
crate category seeder


create album component
get categories in album component
store album details
validation of album
get user albums
edit album component
update record
Add sweet alert
delete record


upload component part1
upload component part2
upload component part3
accept prop album id part4
display album images part5
delete image part6
view album image part7
install disqus comment


display all albums
Album profile of user

Follow/Unfollow User

follow component part1
follow and unfollow user part2
handling issue
get all following
avatar component -update profile image
background component-update background image

Pagination with vue js

pagination part1
pagination part2

Browse by Category

search album by category

DOWNLOAD PROJECT CODE Delete images from directory

DOWNLOAD PROJECT CODE and final delete images directory

PROJECT4- Ringtone ans Wallpaper download website

Project overview

Laravel scaffolding

Laravel scaffolding

Ringtone backend

migration of the table
User and Categories seeder file
create form for ringtone
validation of the form
store ringtones details in db
edit category
update ringtone
delete ringtone
play one audio at a time

Ringtone frontend

get all ringtones
show single ringtones
download audio
get ringtones by category
add comment box and share button


make form
install package
upload image
display wallpaper
delete wallpaper
update wallpaper

Frontend wallpaper

download wallpaper
download wallpaper and final touch

PROJECT5-Employee Management System-User,Roles&Permission,Bulk email

overview of the EMS
Laravel scaffolding

Admin template

split files
create master file


migrations of the table


create department form
create department
list all departments
update departments
delete department
department delete error fixed


create roles
get all roles
update and delete roles
role delete error fixed


employee form and validation
register employee
get all employees
validate form
edit employee
update employee
delete employee


create employee login
permission form
store permission
get all permissions
edit permissions
update permissions
delete permission
hide and show links based on permission
protect route with middleware

Employee Leave

create leave form
store leave
update and delete leave
accept reject leave
permission and sidebar for leave


create notice
get all notices
update and delete notice
update permission for notice

Bulk email

mail setup
send email with attactment
mail permission


work on dashboard
final video