• Post category:StudyBullet-16
  • Reading time:6 mins read

Privacy-Preserving Collaborative Computation

What you will learn

Basic concepts of Cryptography

Basics of Secure Multi-Party Operations

Secret Sharing

Garbled Circuits

Oblivious Transfers

Homomorphic Encryption and Zero-Knowledge Proofs

Secure Multiparty Summation

Secure Multiparty Comparison

Secure Function Evaluation

Secure Set Intersection

Secure Matrix Multiplication

Secure Machine Learning Algorithms

Privacy-Preserving Data Analytics

Collaborative Machine Learning and Model Training

Private Information Retrieval


Welcome to the “Introduction to Secure Multi-party Computation (SMPC)”.

In the age of information, dynamic decision making is often the first line of defence for organizations. But, the decision making has to be informed not only on the internal workings of the organization but also on the macro environment.

This is why organizations need to collaborate among in the form of industry consortiums or networks themselves and this often involves data sharing.

Apart from decision making, data sharing is often a requirement for various members of the same value chain say financial intermediaries or manufacturers, assemblers, and distributors.

But, data sharing comes with own caveat – privacy concerns. Apart from privacy concerns, various regulations such as GDPR in Europe and HIPAA in the United States requires organizations to ensure the privacy and security of sensitive data.

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Also, with the rise of decentralized technologies such as blockchain and distributed computing, there is a growing need for secure and privacy-preserving computation protocols.

This is where Secure Multi-Party Computation or SMPC comes in.

Secure Multi-Party Computation (SMPC) enables collaborative data analysis, computation, and machine learning across multiple parties while preserving data privacy and confidentiality through cryptographic protocols and techniques.

If you are more theoretically inclined, please refer to the papers attached to the lectures.

All the best.




Who is this course for?
Course Outline

Introduction to Secure Multi-Party Computation

What is SMPC?
Example Use Case
Historical background and development of SMPC

Primer on Cryptography

Basics of cryptography
Symmetric and Asymmetric Cryptography

Cryptographic protocols relevant to SMPC

Secret Sharing
Garbled Circuits
Oblivious Transfer
Homomorphic Encryption
Zero-Knowledge Proofs

Secure Multiparty Operations

Secure Multiparty Summation
Secure Multiparty Comparison
Secure Function Evaluation

Advanced Operations

Secure Set Intersection
Secure Matrix Multiplication
Secure Machine Learning Algorithms

Applications of SMPC

Privacy-Preserving Data Analytics
Collaborative Machine Learning and Model Training
Secure Auctions and Bidding Mechanism
Private Information Retrieval

SMPC Implementation Tools

SMPC Implementation Tools

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