• Post category:StudyBullet-5
  • Reading time:8 mins read

What you will learn

How to choose a film distributor

How not to get ripped off by a film distributor

What is a Film Aggregator

What are the different kinds of VOD


Join over 70,000 students learning from our courses!

So you made a feature film, now what? Most filmmakers don’t even think about film distribution but it is, by far, one of the most important parts of the filmmaking process. Film distribution lives in shark infested waters where the system is designed to screw the filmmaker. In this course we will arm you with the knowledge to help you make a smart choice when choosing a film distributor and how to prepare your film for world-wide film distribution.

Whether you have a feature film or documentary we have you covered. Knowledge is power and this course will add more tools to your filmmaker toolbox.

Here is what you will learn in the course:

  • What is a Film Distributor and the Standard Deal
  • Carving Out Your Film’s Rights
  • Gross vs Net Profits
  • Distribution Expenses – Film Markets
  • Distribution Expenses – Marketing & Materials
  • Distribution Expenses – Cost Saving Techniques
  • Increasing Your Leverage with Distributors
  • What is a Film Market?
  • Pros and Cons of Attending a Film Market
  • Getting the Most Out of a Film Marketing
  • What are film deliverables?
  • What is a Film Aggregator?
  • Distribber Debacle
  • When to Use an Aggregator?
  • Things to Do Before You Choose a Film Aggregator
  • Learn how and when to work with sales agents, as well as how to avoid sharks
  • We discuss the reality of the VOD streaming landscape and how you can profit

Don’t get taken advantage of by predatory film distributors. Arm yourself with the knowledge you need to get your feature film out to the world.


What people are saying about this course: 

This is a really informative course. It’s obvious that the teachers have a lot of passion behind what they do and a ton experience. I look forward to making my next film with some of the tips and ideas shared here in the course. – Laura Swartz

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This a great course. It has very practical advise for indie filmmakers, and a step by step process to make a micro-budget feature in a few months. I’m going to apply it to my first feature. – Jared Evans


Your instructor: 

Alex Ferrari has been working in the film industry for over 25 years and is the founder of Indie Film Hustle. He became a whistleblower and exposed Distribber, a film aggregator who owed film producers millions of dollars. Since their closure they also left thousands of filmmaker’s without access to their films.

He kept hearing story after story of how filmmakers were being taken advantage of by predatory film distributors so he decided to put together a course explaining the pitfalls filmmakers face when trying to get their films distributed through the legacy distribution model. It is his mission to help filmmakers survive and thrive in the film business.


So what are you waiting for? Join over 70,000 students that have already taken IFH filmmaking and screenwriting courses. 

If you’ve got the dream.

If you’ve got the drive.

If you’ve got the passion – but you’re missing the knowledge and experience…this course will help you make your feature film into a reality.

Enroll NOW and learn the in and outs of film distribution! Let’s get started!




What is Traditional Film Distributor
Carving Out Rights
Gross vs Net Profits
Distribution Expenses – Film Markets
Distribution Expenses – Marketing & Creation
Distribution Expenses – Cost Saving Techniques
Windowing Strategies
Increasing Leverage with Distributors

What are Sale Agents and Producer Reps?

What is an International Sales Agent?
What is a Producers Rep?

Understanding Film Markets

What is a Film Market?
Pros and Cons of Attending a Film Market
Getting the Most Out of a Film Market
BONUS: Interview with American Film Market President Jonathan Wolf

Video On-Demand Services

OTT (Over the Top) Services
TVOD (Transactional Video On-Demand)
SVOD (Subscription Video On-Demand)
AVOD (Ad Based Video On-Demand)
Cable & Satellite Supported VOD
VOD Myth Busting
PVOD (Premium Video On-Demand)

The World of Film Deliverables

Film Deliverables – Film
Film Deliverables – Audio

Film Aggregators

What is a Film Aggregator?
A Cautionary Tale – Distribber
When to Use a Film Aggregator
Things to Do Before You Choose a Film Aggregator

Wrapping Things Up

Wrapping Things Up