• Post category:StudyBullet-8
  • Reading time:9 mins read

Eliminate fear of child birth and reduce or eliminate pain of child birth and pregnancy with this hypnobirthing approach

What you will learn

Reduce or Eliminate pain

over come any other limiting fears that hold you back from doing what you want to do in life

Use EFT Emotional Freedom technique to improve your life

Understand the benefits of using Hypnosis regularly

Understand how mind and body work together

Overcome any fears connected to childbirth

Have confidence that you will have a natural childbirth with reduced experience or no pain

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Hypnosis will help you Enjoy the birth of your baby


Hypnosis for Natural Easy Childbirth Hypnosis Program this has been created to simulate a complete collection of private hypnosis sessions with me as your guiding Hypnotherapist

Childbirth is one of the most natural experiences any woman can ever have and has to have been the first ever most precious of human experiences. All fears and most of the pain that you may have heard about giving birth or being in labor are created by those people who gave birth with fear in their minds. Because it was this fear that caused them to tense their body causing restrictions in the natural birthing process because nature never created your body to have pain while doing anything that was a natural part of life. As human beings we are part of the animal kingdom how many times have people found kittens born of their cats and never heard a thing or puppies, chickens who lay eggs everyday with out a peep that is because no one has told them to be afraid of their own natural processes .

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I am going to teach you in this Hypnosis Course

  1. What is EFT Emotional Freedom Technique and how to apply it.
  2. What fear is and where it comes from
  3. How to eliminate fear with EFT
  4. What pain is
  5. How to reduce or eliminate pain
  6. how the mind and body are connected
  7. proof that you can change how you feel by using just your thoughts.
  8. How to feel good any time
  9. The benefits of Hypnosis and who can be hypnotised
  10. How to communicate with your baby inside you
  11. Completely reprogram your mind to having the most enjoyable childbirth for you
  12. Lots of bonus downloads
  13. Complete 3 week Hypnotherapy Program as used with my Clients

All videos are downloadable for ease of viewing off line



Have your end result in mind to begin making the changes

What you want to get from this course
But I dont Visualize yes you do
Feel good anytime
Communicate with your unborn baby Guided meditation

Hypnosis is the key to having no fear or pain giving birth

Instructions for best results with Hypnosis
The opposition response resistance to change
Proof that Your subconscious mind always does what you ask it to do
Finger magnets pre hypnotic exercise
Magnetic hands pre hypnotic test of your imaginative power
Balloon and book and the power of your imagination
The power of words and how they affect you
Week one Deep relaxation training Hypnosis session
mind body connection

Learn EFT and how to apply it

EFT in action on the radio
What is EFT with a downloadable mp3
The EFT Tapping points
EFT Tapping Points and Energy Meridians they are connected to

The mind body connection

The Setup Phrase
The Reminder Phrase
The Breathing Exercise with a downloadable mp3
Mind body connection and EFT

Conquer Your Fear with EFT

Fear where does it come from
First EFT Session for Conquering your Fear
Clearing up Remaining fear you have from last session with EFT
Removing feelings of Past Fear with EFT
Remaining Emotional Charge connected to past experience of fear clear up
Choose past or future fear to eliminate with EFT
Continue releasing emotional charge to that fear
Week 2 Giving Birth with no fear hypnosis

Pain Relief with EFT

What is pain
Using Color and EFT to Stop Pain
Continue using Color with EFT on that remaing pain
Stopping Pain by working on a past emotional event
Using Symbols and EFT to Stop Pain
Week 3 Pain Free Child Birth Hypnosis session
What pain is and how to reduce or eliminate it

Mopping up with EFT

Introducing Mopping up with EFT
Mopping up with EFT using color
the terrible cost of unforgiveness
Eliminate anger towards yourself and others with EFT
Anger and how it can effect you

Advanced EFT Technique

Advanced EFT Technique

Session Debriefing and Results

Session Debriefing with downloadable files

Bonus Resources

bonus resources
You have done it!