How to teach Yes and No to your Dog
Communicate with your dog in the most effective way possible

What you will learn

Learn to Communicate effectively with your dog

How to clearly say No in 3 ways

How to clearly say Yes in 3 ways

Learn how to communicate through being Neutral


Every dog needs to grasp the significance of the YES/NO command, much like trying to drive a car without the essential gas and brake pedals. Our systematic approach empowers you to understand the root causes of your dog’s stubbornness, ensures your dog comprehends the YES/NO command in various environments, and helps cultivate positive behaviors in both puppies and adults. This process establishes a strong foundation for your dog’s long-term obedience. It’s akin to introducing your dog to a new language, where YES and NO become the key words of effective communication. Without this understanding, it’s as though you’re speaking Chinese to someone who speaks a different language.

It’s important to note that in teaching your dog the YES/NO command, there is no place for pain or punishments. Punishment-based methods can lead to fear, anxiety, and even aggression in dogs. Our approach focuses on encouraging good behavior and gently redirecting or discouraging unwanted actions. This not only creates a more harmonious relationship between you and your furry friend but also ensures a happier and healthier life for your dog.

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By understanding the power of YES and NO in a positive and compassionate way, you and your dog can build a strong bond based on trust and mutual respect. This foundation is the key to a lifetime of obedience, happiness, and love between you and your four-legged family member. So, embrace the YES/NO command as the cornerstone of effective communication, and watch your dog thrive in all aspects of life.




3 ways to say yes
Space yes
3 ways to say no
Space no
Yes and No game
Atomic Focus – Extra