Strategies and Secrets of the Most Productive People

What you will learn

What productivity really is (hint: it’s not about being busy or checking off every item on your to-do list!)

Why managing your time better is not the key to being productive (and what you need to manage instead)

The four “practices” of highly effective and productive project managers that will help you stay focused (and how to implement it in your own life)

How adopting one simple word and saying it more often will help you eliminate stress and get more of what matters done

The two kinds of tools you need to revolutionize your productivity (and no, you don’t need yet another planner!)

How to structure your days for maximum productivity (and significantly boost your free time!)

The G.S.R.A. formula for getting the results you want with less time and effort

How to put your productivity on “autopilot” with a daily routine

How to properly “schedule your work” so you get it done easily – without willpower or struggle

How to adopt an “inbox zero” frame of mind so you can reduce stress and overwhelm

Simple ways to deal with resistance and get things done (even when you don’t “feel” like doing them)


If you feel like you’re always busy…

If you’re constantly stressed and overwhelmed, and frustrated that you can’t get a moment to yourself…

Then this will be the most important message you read today.

Because today you’ll learn why you’re not getting the important things done… even when you try following all the productivity advice out there.

And chances are, you’ve tried it all – planners, apps, courses, and more. It just never sticks.

But it’s not you — it’s these methods that just don’t work.

The industry would have you believe that productivity is a matter of managing your time better. That it’s a matter of getting more done in less time.

That’s simply not true.

So if you’re tired of coming home after a stressful day, only to realize you didn’t get anything important done…

… prepare to be shocked and see the real reason why you’re not getting the results you want with your current productivity tools and methods.

The Biggest Productivity Myth – Exposed!

The biggest myth about productivity that nobody questions is this:

That productivity equals getting more things done in less time.

It’s a big lie. And it’s why so many are still stressed and overwhelmed, despite using the latest calendar, planner, or productivity method.

So if productivity isn’t about time management or getting more things done, what is it?

Here’s the answer from one of the greatest minds on productivity:

“Time management is really a misnomer – the challenge is not to manage time, but to manage ourselves.” – Stephen R. Covey.

In other words, the key to being productive isn’t managing your time better. And it isn’t finding new and creative ways to “get more done” in a shorter period of time.

Instead, it’s about managing you.

The key to being far more productive than you ever thought possible is to manage your energy and attention.

Believe it or not, I found this out when I was nine years old!

It’s true. That’s when I went to bed early on my own accord and woke up earlier than anyone else at home to spend time studying during weekdays. I had lots of fun in the weekends with friends. As a result, I ended up the top student year after year and earned scholarships that fully paid for my education from high school onwards. I continued to live and work this way throughout my career, spent lots of time with my kids when they were young, hardly worked weekends, and enjoyed work-life balance while being extremely productive at work and in volunteer activities.

So now, I’m on a mission to let you and anyone else know the true path to productivity!

Because it’s a shame that so many are banging their heads against the wall, wondering why they aren’t getting the results they want, despite using the planners, the to-do lists, and more.

In this course…

You’ll discover how to become the kind of person that gets the things that matter, done (all without tons of stress or overwhelm).

You’ll know exactly what it takes for you to be productive (and which habits you need to let go of that are robbing your time).

And you’ll know exactly how to create your own, personalized productivity system that works for you and your personality.

In Productivity Master, you’ll also discover:

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What productivity really is (hint: it’s not about being busy or checking off every item on your to-do list!)

Why managing your time better is not the key to being productive (and what you need to manage instead)

The four “practices” of highly effective and productive people that will help you stay focused (and how to implement it in your own life)

● How adopting one simple word and saying it more often will help you eliminate stress and get more of what matters done

● The two kinds of tools you need to revolutionize your productivity (and no, you don’t need yet another planner!)

● How to structure your days for maximum productivity (and significantly boost your free time!)

The G.S.R.A. formula for getting the results you want with less time and effort

How to put your productivity on “autopilot” with a daily routine

● How to properly “schedule your work” so you get it done easily – without willpower or struggle

How to adopt an “inbox zero” frame of mind so you can reduce stress and overwhelm

● Simple ways to deal with resistance and get things done (even when you don’t “feel” like doing them)

And much more…

When you join How to Become a Productivity Master: Strategies and Secrets of the Most Successful People, you’ll learn the strategies and techniques you’ll need to adopt to achieve anything you want in your life with less time or effort.

What You’ll Get

How to Become a Productivity Master: Strategies and Secrets of the Most Successful People includes a combination of in-depth and detailed instructions and hands-on activities. You’ll develop the productivity skills that will help you achieve the results you want in your life.

In this self-guided course, we’ll cover:

Lesson 1: What Do the Most Successful People Do?

Discover what the most successful people do, and learn what productivity is (and isn’t). This will give you a solid foundation for becoming a productivity master.

Lesson 2: What Does Productivity Really Look Like?

Learn what being productive actually looks like and why being busy all the time and checking everything off your task list is NOT the same as being productive.

Lesson 3: Productivity Routines and Tools

Learn how to establish your own personal productivity routines, so you stay productive without needing to use willpower.

Lesson 4: Creating Your Own Personal Productivity System

Learn how to take everything you’ve learned so far and create your own personal productivity system.

Lesson 5: Maintaining Long-Term Productivity

Now that you have your own system for being productive, you’ll learn how to use different tools to stay on track, troubleshoot any issues, and come up with solutions to address any challenges that come your way.

Each power-packed lesson contains targeted activities to help you apply the concepts to your own life… so you can start getting more of what you want, with less time and effort.

The self-paced course contains everything you need to take your productivity to a whole new level.



What do the most successful people do?

Overview: what do the most successful people do?
They focus on attention management, not time management
They’re calm under pressure and emotionally self-aware
They know how to say no
They rely on trusted tools and systems
They’re masters of preparation
Review and reflection

What does productivity really look like?

Case study: a productive vs. an unproductive person
The art of attention management
How to win at productivity: 4 key habits
Assess your current productivity habits
Review and reflection: section 2

Productivity routines and tools

Overview: Productivity routines and tools
Setting a productive morning routine
How to schedule work around your attention and energy levels
In pursuit of inbox zero
A roundup of productivity tools
Review and reflection

Creating your own personal productivity system

Overview: Creating your own personal productivity system
Reflect on your past productivity habits
Create an attention and focus management plan
Get your inbox to zero
Organize your information
Tame your smartphone
Review and reflection

Maintaining long-term productivity

Overview: Maintaining long-term productivity
The importance of regular productivity reviews
How to overcome resistance and keep up momentum
Share your productivity plan with your group
Review and reflection
Moving forward