Scala Fundamentals

What you will learn

Have a good foundation of Scala Programming in Data Science with basic projects from Scratch

Scala setup in Windows and MAC OS

Scala Basics, Scala Characteristics, Functional Programming, Parallel Processing, Mutable State, Scala Vs Java

Mutable vs Immutable, Static vs Dynamic Programming, Methods, Class, Objects, Fields, Closure, Traits, Scala Identifiers, Keywords, Comments, Basic Program


Course Outcomes: After completion of the course students will be able to

  1. Lear the concepts of a functional programming and understand the fundamentals of Scala language and how to “Write Scala Program”
  2. Understand basic data types and syntax of Scala programming
  3. Conditional statements, Loops
  4. Exposure of working in a multi-paradigm language – OOPs and FP.
  5. Propose functional solution and functional data analysis for data science problems.
  6. Write effective programs using parallel collections to achieve better performance.
  7. Advance Concepts of Scala

Course Description:

This course is all about, Data Science using Scala. The course is divided into 5 parts [Units].

Part – I
Introduction to Scala -Basics, Scala Characteristics, Functional Programming, Parallel Processing, Mutable State, Scala Vs Java, Scala Set up, Mutable vs Immutable, Static vs Dynamic Programming, Methods, Class, Objects, Fields, Closure, Traits, Scala Identifiers, Keywords, Comments, First Scala Basic Program – “Hello World”

Part – II
Scala Data Types, Literal Types, Variable declaration, Variable Types, Access Modifiers, val vs var Scala Operators – Arithmetic Operator, Logical Operator, Bit-wise Operator, Assignment Operators.

Part – III
Conditional statements (if statement, if-else statement , nested if-else statement). Loops-typos of Tor’ loops, ‘while’ loops, ‘do while’ loops, entry control and exit control, break and continue nested loops.

Part – VI
Scala String, Arrays, Collections, Scala OOPS Concepts, Upper Type Bound, Lower Type Bound, Functions, Function types – Pure and Impure Functions.

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Part – V
Advance Concepts of Scala – val. args, partial functions, Traits, Pattern Matching, Regular Expression, Exception Handling, Extractors, File I/O, Type Classes






Basics of Scala with execution flow of a Scala Program

Scala Vs Java, Parallel Processing, Mutable State

Detailed Scala Installation and setup information over Windows Systems

Scala setup over Mac OS with the execution of a sample Scala Program

Static vs Dynamic Programming, Methods, Class, Objects in Scala

Closure, Traits, Scala Identifiers, Keywords, Comments in Scala