Unlock your yoga journey with this transformative 20 Lectures Yoga training course for complete well-being

What you will learn

Deepened Understanding of Yoga: Gain a comprehensive understanding of yoga philosophy, history, and practices

Physical Fitness: Improved strength, flexibility and stamina through a series of 40 lectures

Focus and Concentration: Cultivate mental focus, concentration, and mindfulness through mindful breathing and meditation

Reduce Stress and Anxiety Gentle breathing and deep body stretching techniques to reduce body stress and promote relaxation

Hormonal Regulation: Develop hormones regulation through pranayama and guided breathing techniques

Improved Posture and Alignment: Learn proper alignment techniques to prevent injuries and promote optimal posture

Increased Self-Confidence: Build confidence and self-esteem as you progress in your yoga practice

Holistic Healing: Experience holistic healing as yoga addresses the interconnectedness of the mind, body, and spirit

Enhanced Breathing: Develop conscious breathing techniques to improve respiratory function and increase vitality

Creative Expression: Explore creative expression through sequencing of yoga poses, methodologies, and personal practice

Cultivation of Discipline: Cultivate discipline, dedication, and commitment through regular practice and study

Path to Personal Growth: Embark on a transformative journey of personal growth, self-discovery, and self-realization


“Yoga is the journey of the self, through the self, to the self.” – The Bhagavad Gita

Are you ready to take on this journey to enhance your mind , body and soul and transform your life and learn some exciting yoga skills?

This Online course has been designed to help you build your foundations of yoga by introducing you to different yoga poses, warm up exercises, full body stretches and quintessential pranayamas to energize, empower and rejuvenate your inner and outer well being.

The Course has been divided into 6 modules. Each Module focuses on a physical or mental capability which can be built or enhanced through a series of yoga poses and exercises.

Module 1: Warm and Stretches.

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This module helps in warming up the body and stretching which are essential components to prepare for deeper practice. The lectures guides you through gentle movements, such as neck rolls, hand twists and side stretches to increase circulation and loosen muscles. Stretching targets specific muscle groups, promoting flexibility and preventing injury. Incorporating both helps to enhance range of motion, improve posture, and promote relaxation, setting a foundation for a fulfilling yoga session that nourishes both body and mind.

Module 2: Building Strength

This module focuses on utilizing body weight resistance to develop muscular strength, endurance, and stability. Poses like plank, warrior series, and cat and cow holding target major muscle groups. By holding poses with proper alignment and engaging the core, you can build functional strength that supports overall physical health and improves posture. Regular practice of strength-focused yoga sequences fosters a strong, resilient body and a focused mind.

Module 3: Flexibility

This module focuses on the renowned ability of yoga to improve flexibility through a combination of gentle stretching and mindful movement. As you gradually deepen into poses like forward bends, cat and cow pose , mountain pose and hamstring stretches they lengthen muscles and increase joint range of motion. Regular practice helps release tension, reduce stiffness, and enhance overall suppleness. With each lecture you can cultivate a greater sense of ease in your bodies, promoting better posture, mobility, and a profound sense of physical well-being.



Warm up and Stretches

Welcome and Rejuvenate
Sukhasana- The Easy Pose
Wrist and Rotation
Arm Rotation
Neck Movements
Side Stretches
Legs and Hamstring Stretches
The Butterfly Pose

Strength and Stamina

Core Strengthening Exercise 1
Core Strengthening Exercise 2
Core Strengthening Exercise 3
Leg Strengthening- The Warrior II Pose
Arm Strengthening – Plank Raise
Commando Plank
The Strengthening Flow

Flexibility and Mobility

The Cat and Cow Pose
Thread the Needle
The Mountain Pose
The Lizard Pose