• Post category:StudyBullet-7
  • Reading time:4 mins read

Fundamentals of Software Testing Tools

What you will learn

Learn about Software Testing Tools

Learn about Test planning tools

Test automation frameworks

Lifecycle management

API testing tools

Vulnerability scanners

Load testing

Learn about software security


A software tool that is used to test the functionality of an application is referred to as a software testing tool. These tools are usually used by QA (Quality Assurance) testers for functional testing, performance testing, cross browser testing and other types of testing to determine if a system is ready for deployment into production.

In this course we’ll go over software testing tools.

We will first start with software testing tools, whereΒ  we’ll discuss some of the most popular software testing tools on the market, both paid and open source, covering many of the software testing disciplines from low testing, security, and automation.

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This course surveys the most popular software testing tools available, including paid and open-source solutions such as Selenium, Postman, JMeter, and Kali Linux. We’ll break down the tools according to their suitability for each discipline, including API testing, security testing, load testing, and more.

We’ll also cover tools for lifecycle management and test planning, and dives into areas beyond the traditional software testing role, including unit and infrastructure testing. In this course, By completing this course it will help you narrow down your choices and understand the pros and cons of each platform, so you can make the right additions to your testing toolkit.

By the end of this course you will have a solid understanding of software testing tools.





Test Planning and Automation

Lifecycle Management
Test Planning
Test Automation
API Testing

Security Testing

Security Testing
Vulnerability scanners
Kali Linux

Load Testing

Load Testing
LoadRunner and Taurus
Unit and Infrastructure testing