• Post category:StudyBullet-6
  • Reading time:5 mins read

Step-by-step Approach to Understanding Basics of Economics

What you will learn

Understand basic economic concepts

Identify economic trends or patterns and how these affect individuals, businesses and nations

Understand the laws of demand and supply

Understand government policies

Learn about the roles of central banks

Differentiate between different business organizations

Importance of international trade


This is a basic and easy-to-understand course that focuses on some economic concepts that are at the foundation of this discipline. It comprises 19 lessons that serve as a step-by-step guide to help undergraduate students and anyone with a keen interest in learning about the different aspects of economics.

As you move from section to section and from one lesson to another, it is important that you draw links between what you learn and what’s happening in the real world. The quizzes at the end of every section are also there to test your knowledge and further enhance your overall understanding of the different concepts explained in each lesson. Every topic discussed is supported with examples from real life and the overall course serves as a great resource for students.

You will:

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  1. learn about the advantages and disadvantages of the main business organizations
  2. understand the relationship between different economic events
  3. learn to see the world differently
  4. understand the functions of banks and their policies
  5. learn to link what you learn to real life
  6. understand the relationship between taxes and government spending
  7. learn how information is crucial to decision-making

Sign up now and LEARN the key principles of Economics. Let’s get started and good luck!

Let’s get started and good luck!




Introduction to Economics

What is Economics?

Branches of Economics
Economics & Decision-making
The Ultimate Goal of this Science
The Three Economic Problems
The Three Economic Systems
Factors of Production
Sec 2 Quiz
Sec 2 Quiz II

Introduction to Demand & Supply

Forces of Demand & Supply
Price & Consumer Behavior (Laws of Demand & Supply)

Business Organizations

Introduction to Business Organizations
Sole Proprietorship
Sec 4 Quiz

Governments & Economic Policies

Role of Governments
Monetary & Fiscal Policies
The Central Bank
Sec 5 Quiz

International Trade

Importance of International Trade
Balance of Trade & Balance of Payments
Key Economic Indicators